God’s Garden at St. Paul

This spring, space is available in the garden in exchange for volunteering. The garden is located on St. Paul’s campus, and work will begin on April 29, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. and continue on Monday and Thursday evenings throughout the summer. 

Spring is here, and God’s Garden will soon be for its 30+ summer!  God’s Garden, our very large organic garden on the grounds of

St. Paul’s Parish, which gives all produce grown to food pantries, will begin again by the end of April.  If you, or someone you know, would like some space in the garden to learn to grow your own vegetables in return for volunteering there, let Sue know at skksack@gmail.com. Many thanks to our private donors, who have helped us obtain some necessary tools this year.  Thanks also to a local small faith community, which at  recently spent a Saturday morning there doing Lenten service.   Contact Sue Sack for more information, skksack@gmail.com.

St. Gaspar Family of Parishes

In collaboration with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the St. Gaspar Family of Parishes wholeheartedly embraces the Beacons of Light initiative. Our goal is to ignite Christ’s love and cultivate resilient fellowship among members from the Emmanuel, Holy Trinity, Precious Blood, St. Joseph, St. Paul, and St. Rita communities. Strengthened by this partnership, we are committed to serving God and neighbors with boundless love. Join us in celebrating Sunday Eucharist as we welcome you to our Christmas Masses.