From The Pastor’s Desk

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

Pastor’s Desk

In today’s gospel Jesus tells us, “Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.  For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 

 If you come as a servant, you will never be disappointed. Even if people do not like you, they can’t help but respect you. Being a servant is our calling. Having people serve us all the time is not our calling. If some of you have ever been on Carnival cruises, then you understand what it means to be served all the time. It’s great at first, but then you realize it is not reality. In fact, I believe your health will go bad if other people are serving you all the time. Human beings are meant to be doing things and to be occupied by prayer. People that retire and do nothing often compromise their health.

 I believe the world wants to take us in a direction opposite of Christianity. The world says that others should serve you. But Jesus says, you must serve others. The apostles James and John want other people to take notice of them. James and John want to be in distinguished positions. Not only in this life but they also want people to realize their greatness in the next life. That can only simply be attained by being a servant to all.

 God bless you all,

Fr. Tony

Staff Reflection From Deacon Rusty Baldwin:

The Gospel today is about the rich young man who Our Lord told to sell everything and give the money to the poor.  Now you might be thinking, “I’ve heard dozens of homilies on this Gospel, next deacon will tell us what Jesus said doesn’t apply to us.”  But what if I didn’t?  “Oh,” you might say, “of course it applies in a figurative sense, but not literally.  In the rich young man’s case, he was too attached to his possessions.”

Fair enough, so let’s start small.  Let’s all think of just one possession to sell.  Something that isn’t strictly necessarily but we like very much.  For some it might be a set of golf clubs, a classic car, a vacation we have been saving up for, season tickets to the symphony or to a professional sports team.  For others it could be jewelry, a big screen TV, a gaming system, or our Netflix subscription.  Now, go sell that one thing and give the money to the poor.

Are you thinking of reasons why that demand is unfair; how it isn’t necessary because you’re not really attached to it?  If so, maybe we are more like the rich young man than we would care to admit!  Maybe we’re even more attached to our possessions than he was.  Jesus told him to sell everything, not just one thing.  Are we willing to do even that?

God Bless,
Deacon Rusty

Staff Reflection: This week’s readings show Jesus offering some very difficult teachings on the subject of divorce and remarriage. In my role as a procurator (the Church’s term for one who advocates for a petitioner in an annulment), I have worked with many individuals (divorced and single or divorced and remarried outside of the Church) to help them obtain an annulment and, if needed, bless (convalidate) their current marriage.  Thus, they can once more be in unity with the Church and able to receive Communion. 

As mentioned in a recent article in Our Sunday Visitor, “An annulment is not a Catholic divorce.  Rather, it is a recognition by the Church that something necessary for a valid marriage

(e.g., sufficient freedom and maturity, proper disclosure of serious matters such as addiction, mental health issues or debt, etc.) was lacking at the time of the marriage vow.  If there is evidence of such things, the Church recognizes that the marriage was null from the beginning, i.e., it never existed in the full ecclesial understanding of a valid marriage (hence, the Church’s term for an annulment is a Declaration of Nullity).  As such, the person is free to marry and would not be in a state of on-going adultery forbidden by Jesus since it would not be ‘what God has joined together’.” Most annulments I have been privileged to work with have been granted.  Even so, an annulment does not invalidate the civil legality of the marriage or the civil standing of any children of such a marriage.

If you have questions or concerns about annulments, I would be happy to discuss them with you.

Also, in the Gospel Jesus says that we must become childlike to enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus was not saying that our faith should be childish in the sense of immaturity, but that we are to be childlike in our faith.

Childlike Faith

What does that mean?

What does a childlike faith look like? 

To summarize, a childlike faith involves three things:

Realize that we are utterly helpless before God.

Realize that we are dependent on God as our Provider in this life and in the next.

Realize that we must accept the kingdom of heaven as a gift from God.  That is, we could never get to heaven without God’s freely -given grace and forgiveness.


As defined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “grace is the free and undeserved help that God gives to us to respond to his call to become children of God and to share in eternal life”.

Once we acknowledge our helplessness and dependence on God, and accept his grace and forgiveness, the action of Jesus towards the children in today’s passage becomes our own experience: that is, taking them in his arms “he (Jesus) embraced them and blessed them.”

God Bless!

Deacon Dale De Brosse



“Whoever is not Against Us is For Us”
(Mark 9:40)

In today’s first reading from the Book of Numbers and in the Gospel reading from St. Mark we hear from Joshua and John who are jealous of persons prophesying and doing “mighty deeds” in God’s name. These persons appear to Joshua and John as “apart” from their group, their band of followers. I am made aware through these readings of my own prejudices and jealousies, while trying to live out my faith and belief as a disciple of Jesus. I sometimes become envious or fearful when I perceive someone or some group of believers who appear to be doing “mighty deeds” in the Lord’s name. I feel threatened. These persons and groups may not be a part of “my group” – my parish – my Catholic Christian faith.

I “hear” through God’s Word today a call from the Lord to broaden my vision, my Faith horizons – to see His hand at work among all of his disciples and believers – even those persons “outside of our camp.” God calls us all to do “mighty deeds” in His Name. Together as one people of Faith we move to praise, to adore, and to follow our good God on this journey toward the new and heavenly Jerusalem.

Peace and Love, 

Matt Ruttle, Love in Action Coordinator

September 15, 2024:

“If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.”

 This somewhat contradicts our world where we separate ourselves from one another in order to become the greatest. We are to show how we are above others. This is how the world works. Who is the ruler of this world? Satan is. Jesus talks about that at times, Jesus does not belong to this world. If He did, His attendants would have saved Him from the cross. Jesus tells Pilot that His kingdom does not belong to this world. When Jesus was being tested in the desert, Satan tempted Jesus by giving Him the opportunity to have power and rule over the world. This shows Satan’s ability to rule and delegate his power.

Then in the gospel, we see that Jesus places a child in front of him. Jesus says, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.”

Children do not have power. Children depend on adults and parents for their well-being. But when we knowingly spend time with and support children, we are serving the Lord. We are not looking to advance in our work or prestige. Children cannot offer opportunities for most job advancements. One would say that children slow a person down in advancement in the world. 

There is a certain amount of trust that we have to have in Christ. He will lead us and move us to where we need to go. If I am last, I have to trust that Jesus will take care of me. Jesus I trust in you.

God bless you all,

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

September 15, 2024:

“If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.”

 This somewhat contradicts our world where we separate ourselves from one another in order to become the greatest. We are to show how we are above others. This is how the world works. Who is the ruler of this world? Satan is. Jesus talks about that at times, Jesus does not belong to this world. If He did, His attendants would have saved Him from the cross. Jesus tells Pilot that His kingdom does not belong to this world. When Jesus was being tested in the desert, Satan tempted Jesus by giving Him the opportunity to have power and rule over the world. This shows Satan’s ability to rule and delegate his power.

Then in the gospel, we see that Jesus places a child in front of him. Jesus says, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.”

Children do not have power. Children depend on adults and parents for their well-being. But when we knowingly spend time with and support children, we are serving the Lord. We are not looking to advance in our work or prestige. Children cannot offer opportunities for most job advancements. One would say that children slow a person down in advancement in the world. 

There is a certain amount of trust that we have to have in Christ. He will lead us and move us to where we need to go. If I am last, I have to trust that Jesus will take care of me. Jesus I trust in you.

God bless you all,

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

September 8, 2024

From Marianne Pitts, Director of Music and Liturgy:

As summer approaches its conclusion, I reflect on the beautiful ways our St. Gaspar Family of Parishes have embraced and lived the words so beautifully proclaimed in Psalm 133, “How good it is, how pleasant, where the people dwell as one!”

On Sunday, June 9, just over 200 of our parishioners came together for an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, scripture and song. If you were there, you will recall the fellowship we all experienced through prayer, scripture, music, and the reception afterwards. Then, when the HVAC system at

St. Rita forced the temporary closure of the church during the repair process, we came together again. And once again, we found ourselves witnessing to a sharing and unification, particularly, in our ministries. Heartfelt gratitude must be given to all the ministry groups who collaborated: MSP schedulers, Mass Coordinators/Sacristans, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, choir members, servers, lectors, greeters, and all who have shown that together is a wonderful place to be.

I also wish to thank our parishioners for opening their hearts and welcoming their fellow St. Gaspar family members—whether it was a smile, a handshake, a hug, or other gesture. Perhaps you relinquished your favorite pew to someone else who beat you to it (wink). It all matters in the Body of Christ. And hey, we even had a few extra coffee and donut Sundays. How lovely and pleasant indeed.

Lovingly submitted by Marianne Pitts

September 1, 2024

Today Jesus tells us: “From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within and they defile.” These are traps that can steal a person’s identity. These are traps that will keep people from heaven. Jesus wants us to be aware of this behavior. If these sins are not important, why would he mention them? Heaven doesn’t come cheap. Jesus has expectations and they must be fulfilled. The sins that Jesus mentioned today can ruin a marriage. These sins can ruin a family. So these sins are very serious. Jesus is not afraid to confront people, and his church should not be afraid to confront people. God chose His disciples and apostles to go into the whole world and proclaim the good news. I know these are men and women but they are proclaiming God‘s word and the catechism of the Catholic Church. Should they be ignored? If they are ignored, then who can we trust? Who is worthy to proclaim God’s word. I believe we need to take God’s word seriously in our day and age. We need to do an examination of conscience each day. We need God’s forgiveness and mercy and we have to realize that we sin. 

We see in today’s gospel that Jesus’ followers did not always follow the law. But they did follow Jesus’ words. Jesus’ followers took ownership of Christ so we too need to take ownership of Him. Stop doubting yourselves and stop thinking that there’s another way or alternative to be Jesus’ disciples and church. Jesus’ church is the Catholic Church. Do you trust it? Do you have another alternative than the Catholic Church? Do you trust in another catechism that is different than the Catholic Church?If you do, why? Go to the Source Please take time to read the catechism. If you have questions on euthanasia, abortion and immigration, look it up in the catechism. You owe it to yourself. God bless you, Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

August 18, 2024:

Cardinal Ratzinger gave this homily on April 18, 2005.

We must not remain children in faith, in the condition of minors. And what does it mean to be children in faith?

St Paul answers: it means being “tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine” (Eph 4: 14).

 This description is very timely! 

How many winds of doctrine have we known in recent decades, how many ideological currents, how many ways of thinking. The small boat of many Christian thoughts has often been tossed about by these waves – flung from one extreme to another: from Marxism to liberalism, even to libertinism; from collectivism to radical individualism; from atheism to a vague religious mysticism; from agnosticism to syncretism and so forth. Every day new sects spring up, and what St Paul says about human deception and the trickery that strives to entice people into error (cf. Eph 4: 14) comes true. 

Today, having a clear faith based on the Creed of the Church is often labeled as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, that is, letting oneself be “tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine”, seems the only attitude that can cope with modern times. We are building a dictatorship of relativism that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one’s own ego and desires.

 Jesus tells us in today’s gospel that He is the bread of life. We must eat His body and drink His blood in order to have life within us. The bread and wine is consecrated at Mass. It is then turned into the body and blood of Jesus. Other people may tell you different beliefs about the Eucharist. We know that we possess the body and blood of Jesus in our Catholic Church. This is not being arrogant. If we don’t believe this or if we don’t teach this, then we will raise up a generation that does not believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This may hurt others in the Christian faith but do we abdicate our beliefs in order to make people feel good? People are hungry for true faith and doctrine. As Catholics, we need to give people a foundation to stand on. When you have a question,  go to the source. Go to the catechism. We are not to leave people hanging. Jesus reveals everything about His Father to us. He does not hide anything. We are not to hide our faith. God bless you, Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.




August 11, 2024:
In the first reading, we see that Elijah is running away from Queen Jezebel and her army. Through God’s help, Elijah performed a great miracle in bringing down fire to consume what was on the altar. Elijah has the priests of Baal killed. This infuriates Queen Jezebel. Elijah is tired of running and he wants to die and so he lies down to die. “But an angel of the Lord appeared to him and ordered him to get up and eat. Elijah looked and there at his head was a hearth cake and a jug of water. After he ate and drank, he lay down again, but the angel of the LORD came back a second time, touched him, and ordered, “Get up and eat, else the journey will be too long for you!”  He got up, ate, and drank; then strengthened by that food, he walked forty days and forty nights to the mountain of God, Horeb.”

There are times when it feels like the world is against us. As I said last week, run to Jesus and His church. God provided for Elijah, He will also provide for you. In the gospel, Jesus says, “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life. 
I am the bread of life.  Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died; this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die. 

I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.”

Elijah received bread and water. Jesus provides the living bread, which is His body and blood. God is always taking care of his people. Do not doubt His goodness and His ability to work. He can perform miracles at any time. The tide could change anytime. Do not think that you are left helpless.

At Mass, we receive the real body and blood of Jesus. It is not a symbol. Jesus’ body and blood will help us on our journey through life. When we miss Mass on Sunday, we are saying that we can go through this pilgrimage of life alone without God. That type of thinking can get us in trouble.

We need God at every step of our life. God‘s word and His body and blood are the nourishment we need in this valley of tears.

God bless you all,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

August 4, 2024
In the book of exodus, we see the Hebrew people grumbling. They are wanting meat and bread. The whole Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. The Israelites said to them, “Would that we had died at the LORD’s hand in the land of Egypt, as we sat by our fleshpots and ate our fill of bread! But you had to lead us into this desert to make the whole community die of famine!”

The Hebrew people are being put to the test. Will they trust that God will provide? Sometimes we are pushed to our limit. This is a common characteristic that God allows to happen to His people. He wants to see what we are made of. It doesn’t mean that God is mean, but if He does not push us, then we do not become stronger. God eventually gives the people what they want. He gives them bread in the morning and quail in the evening. But God is not happy with their grumbling and Moses is not happy with the Hebrew people also. The bread and quail only satisfy for a while.

In the gospel, Jesus declares Himself as the bread of life. “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” Jesus is everything that we need and want. We shall not only live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. We are to come to Jesus when we are in need, depressed, and having anxiety.

When you see yourself getting low, draw close to Jesus right away. Do not wait. Come to the sacraments. Do not think that some organization, political party, or person will save you. Jesus and His church are the source of your joy, peace, and tranquility. When Jesus talks about bringing the kingdom of God in our midst, He is talking about bringing the church into our midst. Jesus and His church bring hope and fulfillment to a downtrodden world.

God bless you all,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S. 



July 28, 2024:

In today’s first reading, we see that Elisha insists that bread be given to the people. That God would make sure that there would be enough for the large crowd and some leftover. And it happens. God performs a miracle. In today’s gospel we see that Jesus feeds the thousands of people with bread and fish. Jesus knows that he can work a miracle. Jesus tests Phillip to see if he could believe that a small amount of bread and fish could be changed to multiple loaves of bread and fish. Jesus multiplies the loaves and fishes. A miracle.

When Jesus performs a miracle of feeding the people, they want to carry him off as king. That is what a king does. He feeds his people, protects his people, and governs his people. Jesus wants no part of this because his kingdom does not belong to this world. Jesus is not a king in the earthly sense but in the heavenly sense. It just seems that some of the apostles and the people of Jesus’s time do not understand this. Jesus is the king that wants to save us from our sins. Jesus is the king that wants us to serve the needy and the hungry. Jesus is the lowly king that wants us to imitate him on this earth. When we do, he will reward us with everlasting life.

This Jesus king is somewhat mysterious to us. When we see presidential debates, we see jockeying for position, accusations, and disrespect. This is how you get ahead in the world but not in God’s world. You and I are different because we are Christians. We do not belong to this world. Our home is not here. We are only passing pilgrims on this earth. Which king do you trust? The kings of this world or Jesus? Jesus offers peace. The kings of this world are only human. Many of them will not die for you as Christ died for us. So what will it be? God bless you all.

July 21, 2024:

In today’s readings, we hear about shepherds. The first reading is a warning to shepherds who are not taking care of the sheep or the people. Shepherds who only shepherd themselves or only take care of themselves. God will raise up other shepherds who will take care of the sheep. I believe that this reading is not just for pastors or priests but it is also for parents and those in authority. Many of us may be in a role of teaching or mentoring. In Someway, you are like a shepherd. Shepherds and those in authority are to give of themselves. To give up their lives. Sheep can be helpless in the world. They need protection. Shepherds have a staff to fight off the wolves. Sometimes sheep don’t know how to take care of themselves. Shepherds are trained in protection and guidance.

In the gospel, we see that Jesus’s heart was moved with pity for the people who were like sheep. These people needed to be taught and led in the ways of Godliness. We see that Jesus spent time teaching them. It is not only important to feed people but to feed people the scriptures and knowledge of God. This is what satisfies our hunger. 
Jesus is that true Shepherd that takes care of His flock. Even human shepherds are flawed and sinful. None of us are perfect. Even priests have to go to confession. Christ redeems and renews us in the sacraments. When we stay close to Christ and His teachings, we become extraordinary. We become living vessels of Christ.

God bless you all, Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

July 14, 2024: In today’s first reading, Amos is sent to preach to the Hebrew people. He is a prophet like Ezekiel. Amos is not accepted. Just like Ezekiel wasn’t accepted last week. How hard of heart are the people in the world. Being God‘s messenger is not easy. But the message still must go out.

In today’s gospel Jesus chooses 12 and sends them out 2 x 2 and they are to preach, heal, and cast out demons. Many people will not accept them. Jesus tells them that they are to shake the dust from their feet and move on to the next town if they are not accepted. Not all prophets and disciples of Christ are accepted. This is very clear in our world today. God’s message does not have to be politically correct. God does not need a majority of people to accept his word.

As I said last week, God can wear us out. He has all the time in the world. Our time as humans is limited. God brings life and love to the world. That’s why God keeps sending His messengers because He loves us. God is always waiting for a conversion of heart. He does not want one person to be lost. Not one. Jesus wants people to have life and have it in abundance. Jesus knows that He can only bring Happy Anniversary Fr. Tony! Please wish Fr. Tony well today. Sunday, July 14, is the anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Newly Married life. His message can bring life. This means we are totally dependent upon Him. Without Him, we can do nothing. God bless you all, Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

July 7, 2024: In today’s first reading from Ezekiel, we see that Ezekiel was sent to preach to the Hebrew people. The Hebrew people were resistant to Ezekiel’s message, but they knew that a profit was in their midst. Jesus is sent to His own native place in today’s gospel. Jesus said a prophet is not without honor, except in his own native place and among his own people. Jesus is not accepted amongst His own people. He is able to cure a few sick people. Jesus is amazed at their lack of faith. 

Jesus does send prophets into our world today. People who are willing to be the mouthpiece of the Lord. It is not unusual that the world does not accept such prophets. This has been the custom of mankind. But God will continue to send prophets into the world to speak His message. He does this because He loves us. You cannot wear God out. The message will continue until Jesus’ second coming. You and I are left with the decision whether we listen to God and scripture or not. 

We can make up our own religion in our own mind or we can discern and study the scriptures and find out what God really wants. As a priest, I do not preach what I think but I preach what Jesus and the church teaches. Open your heart and mind to more bible study this summer. You will not regret it. Seek the mind and heart of God and let it come into your mind and heart. God bless you.

St. Gaspar del Bufalo, pray for us,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.


June 9, 2024:


Jesus tells us today whoever does the will of my Father is my brother, sister, and mother. You are on Jesus’s team if you follow him and his commandments. You belong to his company if you do the will of the Father. You do not belong to Jesus‘s company if you teach people to sin and lead people astray from Christian teaching. 

Every house divided against itself cannot stand. The players on the Dayton Dragons team work together. They do not work against each other. If they did, how could they win a game? Sometimes we think that we can live in the world and be of the world and still be a Christian. You can’t. You have to choose which pack of wolves you’re going to run with. I know that’s hard to do but you have to do it. Who do you belong to? Who do you want to follow? You’re going to serve somebody, it might be the devil or it might be the Lord but you’re going to serve somebody. I know we want to say everybody’s OK and whatever other people do is their own business. I can’t get my nose in their business.

But Christians are called to correct people. We are called to instruct the ignorant. When I see somebody heading down the wrong road, I have to say something. Especially if we know where that road ends, which might be destruction. We are our brother’s keeper.

Christians are different than other religions. We may want to think that we’re all the same, but we are not. We have different beliefs than satanic worshipers. We have different beliefs than atheists or agnostics.

Every religion does not match up to Christianity. Which side are we going to take? Once you pick a side, buy into it and be loyal to it. Don’t be a person who never makes a commitment to their faith. We are either with Jesus or we are against him. We are either gathering with him or we are scattering.

If you have a major commitment to Christianity, don’t spend your time dabbling with other religions. Don’t waste your time. You can know the beliefs about other religions but you are not called to worship like them. There’s so much to know about our Christian faith, so make the most of it. You are going to be seeing Jesus face-to-face when you die. He will be your judge. We need to get to know him and his church every day.

God bless you all,
Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

June 2, 2024:

The Pastor’s Desk for this Sunday includes an update and a farewell for Fr. Patrick Gonyeau. 

We are pleased to have been able to share the journey of Father Patrick Gonyeau with our community. Father Patrick, who previously served as a dedicated priest in the Archdiocese of Detroit, began serving at the St. Gaspar Family of Parishes in January 2024 as part of his discernment process for joining the Missionaries of the Precious Blood.

Father Patrick’s joy among us was a blessing. As he participated in the life of our parish, he explored how his priestly vocation aligned with the charisms and mission of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. His engagement with our community allowed him to experience firsthand the ministry and outreach that define this order.

A Word of Thanks, from Fr. Patrick Gonyeau:

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ! Fr. Patrick here with a few words of farewell. My journey through formation with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood will have me moving onward from Dayton after June 16. To begin my formation journey here has been a great blessing! I have enjoyed serving in this beautiful family of parishes and also enjoyed meeting so many of you. Though I’m not sure what the future holds (though we rejoice knowing who holds our future!) I would be thrilled to return to Dayton should the Lord will that one day. You all will continue to be in my prayers and I would most appreciate yours as well. My time with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood thus far has been wonderful, and I’m looking forward to the journey ahead. Thank you all for your beautiful faith, it has been wonderful worshipping with you and I look forward to an eternity of that together in heaven.

God bless you!

Fr. Patrick

Fr. Gonyeau will be with us through June 16, 2024

May 26, 2024:

Today we celebrate the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Many times we think about the Father and the Son, but our understanding of the Holy Spirit is a dove or tongues of fire, which came upon the Blessed Virgin Mary and the apostles at Pentecost last week. It is the Holy Spirit that gives life to our sacraments. It is the Holy Spirit that sent the apostles out and us out to spread the gospel. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit we receive at confirmation. The Holy Spirit is necessary for evangelization.

God is a God beyond all human and earthly power and we are never fully going to understand His majesty. But we have to enter into Him. If we don’t, we become lost. It is OK not to understand God fully and completely. If we make it to heaven, we will understand God completely. 

God truly does care for us and He has a mission for each one of us. He will never forsake us. God is always drawing closer to us, but we have to open our hearts to Him. We are God’s children and we long for God‘s love. The Lord gives himself to us. Jesus gives us life through His bride, the church. While in church, we receive God‘s word and the sacraments.

Let us enter into the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Let us allow God to pour Himself in us. Let us realize that God has expectations for us and we have to try to make those expectations a reality. We can only do this by entering into the fullness of the Trinity. Why stay away from the immensity of God? You do not have to have it all together.

Some of these ideas are from Bishop Erik Varden  O.C.S.O.

It is still May, the month of Mary, so please keep praying the rosary.

 Our lady of the Precious Blood pray for us. Amen

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.



May 19, 2024:

Brother Matt’s Farewell Reflection:
In the parish where I grew up, the church was inside the school. Beginning in third grade, I began sneaking into the church when I was sent out of class to run errands. I would stand in the back, enjoying the quiet, peaceful comfort of the empty church. As I grew older, I’d stay longer. I never prayed during these times, nor did I expect anything to happen—I just stood in the presence of God. I had no purpose, but I was there, and I waited.

In one of the Gospel readings for this weekend, Jesus makes an important promise to his disciples: he will send the Advocate, the Spirit of Truth. The Spirit will help the disciples to understand everything Jesus has taught them and will strengthen them in their mission. Jesus also says, “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.” There’s beauty in this simple statement—the loving protection of a God who asks us only to do what we can do and only at the right time. Like timely and gentle spring rain, God provides what we need when we need it.

When I became a Missionary of the Precious Blood, I remember my name being called during Mass and walking up to the sanctuary. I was what they called an older vocation, 40 years old at the time. The days of youthful optimism and big dreams had long passed, replaced by an understanding of the tragedies and wonders of the world and humanity. Yet I was still hopeful. And I wasn’t a young adult trying to figure out who I was; I knew myself all too well. I’d been confronted with my failures and weaknesses. Yet I was open to conversion.

Although I may have approached the sanctuary on that day with tempered enthusiasm and modest dreams, I was fully committed to spending my life as a brother with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. It’s been 20 years since that profession and I’m still learning what it means to be Brother Matt. I’m consoled by the knowledge that God always provides me with what I need, whether in ministry, in community, or personally. All I have to do is stand in the presence of God and wait.

As I prepare to leave Dayton for a new assignment, I wish to thank the people of Emmanuel parish for their support during the last eleven years. I’ve been inspired by your knowledge of the Faith and especially how you pass that on to your children. I’ll keep the whole St. Gaspar family of parishes in my prayers during this time of change. Be patient and faithful—God will provide!


Brother Matt Schaefer, C.PP.S.

Come say farewell to Brother Matt and thank him for his many years of service to our parishes. Join us for a light reception in the Emmanuel school building following the Corpus Christi procession on June 1.

May 10, 2024:

Today we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. This takes place 40 days after His resurrection. Jesus ascended into heaven, body and soul. The Blessed Virgin Mary and the apostles were present to see this marvelous event.

Jesus tells His disciples to go into the whole world and proclaim the good news of the gospel. Jesus is always with us in the Eucharist and in nine days, He will send the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the apostles.

God is always giving us what we need. He trusts us with the mission of the church. We are to make disciples of all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We do not take this mission upon ourselves, but we know that we have been sent by the master.

This mission to evangelize is for all baptized believers. In the gospel, we see that the Lord worked with His disciples. He does not leave us alone in the work of building the kingdom. At Pentecost, He gives the gifts of wisdom, understanding, right judgment, courage, knowledge, fortitude, and piety. These gifts are needed to bring people into the faith. God needs our availability more than our ability. We are representing Him in the world. We are giving Him glory. This is our mission. At Mass we sing the words, “We proclaim your death, oh Lord, and profess your resurrection until You come again.” We are trying to get people to focus on Christ and not our individual self.

God bless you all,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

May 5, 2024

In today’s first reading, we see that Peter shows love by welcoming the gentiles and Cornelius to the Christian faith. Peter does not withhold baptism from the gentiles. An act of love is doing God’s will. An act of love is administering the sacraments. Love begins with God. When we do Godly things we show others that we love them.

In the second reading from John, we see that love is of God. He loves us and we are to love one another.
In the gospel of John, we see that we are to love God by keeping His commandments. Notice that if we are to love God, we are to keep His commandments. If we don’t keep God‘s commandments but say we love God, we are deceiving ourselves. Jesus loves us and He tells us everything that He hears from His Father. Jesus does not have secrets. He is revealing everything about His Father to the whole world. Jesus wants us to have the fullness of life and that means that we follow Him. We follow His command. We do not try to live another life other than the Christian life.
Sometimes we think that the church is something we can ignore. We see in the catechism that salvation comes from Jesus and His church. 

If a husband loves his wife, he lives with her and works with her. He does not purposely separate himself from her. If we are going to love God, then we have to remain in His church and follow His word. We cannot make things up as we go. There is a plan. Are you willing to follow it? 
Thank you very much,
Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

April 28, 2024: 

Pastor’s Desk
Today, Jesus says that He is the vine and we are the branches. That we must remain in Him if we are going to bear fruit, because without Him we can do nothing. He will remove any branch that does not bear fruit. There is a necessity to bear fruit. God will ask us to do many difficult things, but in doing those acts of ministry, He will give us what we need. He tells us that all we need to do is ask Him.

So this asking in ministry is a part of our life. We can’t just believe Jesus, but we have to believe in Him and remain in Him. If we do not remain in Him, we can do nothing. There are many people who believe Jesus but they don’t believe in Him. They may not love Him or trust Him. I can believe the apostles Peter, Paul, and Andrew, but I don’t believe in them. I believe in Jesus. People are not our God. Jesus is Lord. He wants us to announce that to the whole world. 

There are some who say that they are Christian, but they do not believe that Jesus is Lord. Some may believe that Jesus was a great man with wisdom, but not God. Either Jesus is a liar, a lunatic, or He is Lord. He is a liar if he says he is something other than what he is. He is a lunatic if he believes he’s God but he’s really not or Jesus really is Lord. What do you believe? 

So to remain in Jesus, we have to get to know Him. We do that through scripture and in our prayer life. We do that by spending time with other Christians and sharing the word with them. Christianity is not supposed to be an isolated event. Christians are not supposed to be isolated from the world.

Pope Benedict XVI tells us that knowing Christ is not just reading about Him, but having an encounter with Him. I know that I encounter Christ every time I come into His presence during Eucharistic adoration and when I receive communion.

God is in nature but he is substantially present in the Eucharist. The Eucharistic Congress will be in Indianapolis this July. Realize that the body and blood of Christ bring substantial life to all of us.

God bless you all,

Fr. Tony Forman C.PP.S.

Fr. Tony joined members from St. Gaspar Family of Parishes for the Pilgrimage to two historic basilicas on Friday, April 19, 2024. Photo courtesy of Debbie Nieport.

April 21, 2024: Today we celebrate World Day of Prayer for Vocations. A vocation is not a job but a way of living in union with Christ. There is the vocation to single life, married life, and religious life. These are the ways that we live our life. These are the ways that we sacrifice and live in the world. As a priest, I give my life completely to my bride, the Catholic Church. Husbands and wives give themselves entirely to each other. Single people have a way to serve many people. They have much time and availability to do that.

Please pray for more vocations to religious life. I am not going to be here forever. I need a young man to take my place. I believe people are called to religious life but one has to listen for God’s voice. When God calls, you’ll know. You hear God‘s voice by listening to scripture, listening to other people, and listening to your own thoughts.

Today, Jesus says that He is the good Shepherd. He lays His life down freely. Jesus gives His life for the sheep. We are the sheep. He protects us from evil and sin. Jesus chooses men to be shepherds of his church. These priests are called to preach, teach, and sanctify. They sanctify by administering sacraments. This is the mission of Jesus’ church. We need men and women to give themselves for Jesus’ church. If God calls you, He will give you the graces and strength to live the life of religious life.

When I was younger, I never thought of myself being a priest. But I gave it a chance and here I am. Father Angelo Anthony C.PP.S., is the Vocation Director for the Precious Blood Community. He actually was the Vocation Director when I was discerning religious life back in 1994.

We are in the fourth Sunday of Easter. We are a resurrected people and we continue to experience the joys of Christ’s resurrection. If you are frustrated, be at peace. Nothing can supersede the peace that God wants to give you. Be close to Christ and prayer. Know that He does not want you to be lost. He wants you to have peace and not chaos. Hallelujah Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

God bless you all,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

April 14, 2024: Today we see the resurrected Jesus appearing to his disciples. Jesus says, “Peace be with you.” The disciples think that they are seeing a ghost but ghosts cannot eat. Jesus asked for a piece of baked fish to eat. If Jesus were a ghost, it would be impossible to eat fish.

Jesus knows that questions arise in his disciple’s hearts. He knows that questions arise in our hearts. People do not die and then rise again, but Christ can.

Jesus can defy nature. You and I must understand that God is not limited. All things are possible with God. He can still a storm. Christ, our hope, has risen.
Nothing on earth can keep him bound.
What is binding you? What sin do you tolerate? Sin causes a prison to be built around us. Jesus wants to set us free of sin. That is why he came into the world to fight sin. Christ wants you to put on the new man and put away the old.

Our unbelief and God’s abilities stifle us. Many times we have to get out of our own thinking. Jesus is always trying to prove himself to us. His eating fish today is an example. He wants us to wholeheartedly accept him and believe him. I would think that he would get tired of doing miracles day after day. Jesus was probably telling himself, “Why do I always have to perform miracles to get these people’s attention?”
Jesus, we believe in you and we trust in you. You are the Messiah.

God bless you all,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

Jesus is risen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for conquering death. Thank you Jesus for taking our sins away through the shedding of Your precious blood!Jesus, You are the king that conquers death. Without You, we can do nothing. When all seemed lost, You conquered nature. Only You can conquer our human nature.

Lord, You do know what it means to be fully human because You died. We have not died yet. Jesus, You know what it means to be rejected and spit upon. You took all the evil in the world and put it upon Yourself. No human being could take that weight.

Jesus, You have much to teach us still. We may know the ways of the world, but we do not always know your ways. Your thoughts are not our thoughts and Your ways are not our ways. Jesus, bless us with humility and understanding so that we can follow You more closely. Help me to take off the old self and put on the new resurrected self.

The resurrection of Christ means everything for us Christians. No one dies and comes back to life again. Especially if you’ve been dead for three days. Only God can do that. Only God could raise Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus was dead for four days. Miracles are happening all around us. God does answer our prayers. He hears every prayer you say. We just have to be patient. This is the resurrection season. There are new beginnings, new creation, and resurrection all around us.

This is a time of joy and feasting. Do not be sad. God has great things planned for all of us in these weeks ahead.

We are a resurrected people and nothing is impossible for God.

God bless,
Fr.Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

East and West, Sunday, April 24, 2024: Today we celebrate Palm Sunday in preparation for Holy Week. On this weekend we hold palms in our hands and hear the Gospel reading of The Passion of Christ. What seems odd is that these two huge events in the Bible actually mirror each other as complete opposites.

In the east, we have Jesus coming down from the Mount of Olives into the small village of Bethany with His disciples. We hear that Jesus sends two disciples ahead to go into the city to retrieve a donkey that has never been sat upon. After mounting the colt, He rides alone into the city where He is greeted by a large crowd holding branches and laid down cloaks in front of Him. It is a joyful display of the Jewish people welcoming a man that they thought might redeem them from the Roman occupation.

In the west, we have Pontius Pilate riding on a chariot, accompanied by a huge military presence. His entourage came from Caesarea Maritima, the Roman enclave on the Mediterranean coast, about 60 miles and a three day’s journey west of Jerusalem. He only comes to Jerusalem when he must. He has to come to Jerusalem for the Passover, not for religious reasons, but for a show of force.

This morning’s Gospel illustrates one person of authority giving in to another power for the salvation of the world. Pontius Pilate asks Jesus if He is a king, and Jesus acknowledges that He is a Ruler of another Kingdom. Jews come from far and wide to celebrate their ancestors’ complete annihilation of the powerful army of their Egyptian oppressors and await another Messiah. There was a Roman opinion that there were enough crazies out there that someone may claim to be this king in their religious fervor. This holiday in particular makes the Roman authorities nervous. Pilate couldn’t afford to let something like that happen and so, after interrogation, gives in to the rioting crowds to have Jesus crucified.

This weekend we stand to hear the Gospel with palms in our hands just like Jesus’ disciples did as they shouted “Hosanna in the highest” as He passed by. It is a true witness of Palm Sunday, and we begin to realize that Jesus was completing His journey like “a lamb being lead to slaughter” for the salvation of the world.

The palm branches that we hold in our hand are pagan Grecian Olympian symbols for goodness and victory. They become sacramentals to remind us of that day when Jesus entered Jerusalem to save the world.

This is the reason we carry blessed Palm branches on this Sunday, and stand to hear how eternal life began in the city of Jerusalem over two thousand years ago at two separate gates, and ended on a hill named Calvary. God Bless, Deacon Brian Seibert

Are We There Yet?

March 17, 2024

Have you ever, as a family, taken a day trip in the car? You load the car trunk with everything you need for a trip that will take just a few hours. Adults in the front seat and the children in the back seat with games to keep them occupied during the drive. And then, after about an hour, the dreaded question comes from that back seat. ‘Mom and Dad, are we there yet? We’re getting bored!’

In this 5th week of Lent, are we getting bored with fasting and prayer? Are we there yet? Lent is a time devoted to our growth as followers of Christ. It is a time for us to recognize our sinfulness and to recognize how much we are loved by Christ. It is also a time to recognize how much we love Him in return. It’s a time to see Christ in one another. Our fasting and prayers are a way to look deep inside ourselves and help us to grow in our love of Christ. Fasting and prayer help us to keep our minds focused on Christ and to renew our conversation with Christ. We are growing our relationship with Christ. We are recognizing that Jesus is truly our Brother.

Today’s Gospel from John is showing us that Christ knows each of us. Jesus knows our sorrows and fears because He has lived them Himself. Jesus knows that His death is approaching, yet He is willing to give His life for our sinfulness. Jesus is ready to give His life for us despite the Cross. He sees the Cross despite His anguish. Jesus is our Salvation, and He has shown us how to be His followers by loving us so much that He willingly suffers and dies on that cross. Are we ready to give our life to Jesus? Are we ready to grow in our love of Jesus? Are we ready to trust in Jesus? Are we ready to love each other? Are we ready to help each other?

Jesus has not left us alone. Today, He gives us His Body and Blood in the Eucharist to nourish us with Love and strength. He gives us the sacrament of reconciliation to help us face our sinfulness so that we may know the forgiveness and love that Jesus offers us each day. God has not given up on us. He gave us His only Son to save us. He is always near.

So, are we there yet? No, we are not there yet, BUT we are each growing. We are getting there. Each day we grow. Each day we face our own problems, fears, and sinfulness. Each day we have faith in Jesus. We have faith because Jesus died on the cross, but Glory be to God, He has risen from the dead. He is our life and our salvation. Praise be to You, Lord Jesus Christ!

Love you all.

Your brother in Christ!

Deacon Joe

Join Deacon Joe for the Blessing of the Easter Baskets on Saturday, March 30 at St. Paul’s Parking lot. Families prepare special baskets containing a variety of Easter foods, such as bread, eggs, meat, cheese, and other traditional items. These baskets are traditionally blessed on Holy Saturday.


Lenten Reflection from Fr. Jim Gaynor C.PP.S.

March 10, 2024

From Fr. Jim Gaynor, C.PP.S.

Jesus tells Nicodemus and us, that we must be begotten of water and the Spirit, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  That is in the chapter 3 of the Gospel of John which we proclaim this 4th Sunday of Lent.  It was a wonderful experience being born of our parents and grandparents into this human life, but then one day that life is confronted with death.    What then?  We are then told by Jesus: “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life” (Jn 3,16).

As we advance in our observance of Lent: in prayer, fasting and almsgiving, we need to have Christ before us so these Lenten activities have their true meaning and effect in us.    They could just serve to help us reduce our waistline and weight, which could be good, but they are not the reason for Lenten activities.

The word Lent means “growth”.   Each Sunday, by way of the Gospel, we are meant to grow in Christ.

The first Sunday, He was confronting the temptations of self-centeredness, self-satisfaction, and self-glorification.   He didn´t run and hide, but confronted this selfishness as we too are called this lent to live in the world and confront selfishness .

The second Sunday, He showed us His divinity by way of the Transfiguration, growing in knowing who He, Jesus. really was and is.

The third Sunday, He cleansed the temple and encouraged us to cleanse the temple of our persons, the temple of the church and the temple of planet earth.   

Now this fourth Sunday Jesus takes us to grow and appreciate our Baptisms in which we were born anew of water and the Holy Spirit.   Prayer, sacrifice and almsgiving help us live this new life we have received by water and the Holy Spirit.   

Yours In Christ,

Fr. Jim (Santiago) Gaynor, C.PP.S. 

Staff reflections will continue through Palm Sunday.


Lenten Reflection from Deacon Mike Prier

March 3, 2024

In the St. Gaspar Family of Parishes, our Deacons deliver a sermon once a month. This Sunday, we are sharing an inspiring homily from Deacon Mike Prier, featuring a meaningful Lenten message.

As we journey through life, we find ourselves amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday activities, often finding solace in the moments spent supporting our loved ones, particularly our grandchildren, as they delve into their passions, such as sports. In the midst of cheering them on from the sidelines, we are reminded of the dedication and perseverance required to excel in any endeavor. Just as athletes dedicate countless hours to hone their skills for the opportunity to shine on the global stage, we too are called to embrace our Christian journey with a similar fervor.

In today’s Gospel from Mark, Jesus paints a vivid picture of the ultimate finish line, revealing the glory that awaits those who follow His example. He invites us to envision a future where our souls are purified, our sins washed away, and our spirits radiant with the glory of God. This vision serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring us to persevere through life’s challenges with unwavering faith, hope, and love.

Much like athletes meticulously prepare their bodies for competition through diet, exercise, and practice, we are called to nurture our souls with the three theological virtues: Faith, Hope, and Love. In the readings today, we witness the embodiment of these virtues in the lives of our spiritual

ancestors. Abraham’s unwavering faith in God’s plan, God’s boundless love demonstrated through the sacrifice of His Son, and the hope of eternal glory portrayed in the Gospel narrative all serve as reminders of the virtues we are called to emulate.

During this Lenten season, let us reflect on how we can exercise these virtues in our daily lives. Let us relinquish our worries and place our trust in God’s divine plan, knowing that He holds the broader perspective. Let us approach life with a renewed sense of hope, expecting that the best is yet to come, for Jesus is risen, and His love knows no bounds. And above all, let us endeavor to love one another as Christ loved us, for love is the greatest of all virtues.

As we gather at the altar to receive spiritual nourishment, let us pray for the grace to grow each day in Faith, Hope, and Love, so that we may be transfigured into the individuals God created us to be. Just as athletes visualize their success before stepping onto the field, let us visualize our lives infused with these virtues, striving to live as champions for Christ in every aspect of our being.

May this Lenten journey be a time of spiritual renewal and transformation, as we embrace the Olympic spirit within our Christian walk, aspiring to reach new heights of Faith, Hope, and Love. Amen.

In Peace, Deacon Mike Prier


Next Generation Parish

February 18, 2024

On Monday, February 5, Dr. Ximena DeBreck, representing the Catholic Leadership Institute, led a meeting with the entire staff from our Family of Parishes. The meeting was arranged as part of the launch of the “Next Generation Parish” initiative, to which we have committed our participation. Under the stewardship of Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S., this marks a significant step forward in our journey towards enhancing and revitalizing our parish community.

The “Next Generation Parish” program is an undertaking facilitated by the Catholic Leadership Institute, an esteemed organization dedicated to fostering leadership and growth within Catholic communities. While the Archdiocese of Cincinnati initially proposed participation in the Beacons of Light process, a strategic decision was made to partner with CLI. It is important to note that both approaches, Beacons of Light and Next Generation Parish, share common objectives and methodologies, ultimately guiding us towards the same destination of parish renewal and growth.

One of the key advantages of our collaboration with CLI is the comprehensive guidance they will provide throughout our journey. By leveraging their expertise, St. Gaspar Family of Parishes will receive tailored support and strategic direction at every stage of our development. Furthermore, I am pleased to inform you that the Archdiocese is generously covering the costs associated with the program, underscoring their commitment to supporting the growth and vitality of our parish.

It is noteworthy that we are not alone in this endeavor. Eight other families within the Archdiocese have also embarked on the Next Generation Program, highlighting the collective commitment to embracing innovation and fostering vibrant Catholic communities.

As we embark on this transformative journey, I encourage each of you, as valued shareholders in our parish community, to remain engaged and supportive. Together, we have the opportunity to shape the future of St. Gaspar Family of Parishes, ensuring that it remains a beacon of faith, fellowship, and service for generations to come. Respectfully Submitted by the Communications Office St. Gaspar Family of Parishes.

Respectfully Submitted from the Communications Office

St. Gaspar Family of Parishes

Our Service to One Another

February 4, 2024

In today’s first reading, Job tells us that life can be somewhat of a drudgery. In the gospel we see Jesus healing. 

“On leaving the synagogue Jesus entered the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John. Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. They immediately told him about her.
He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up. Then the fever left her and she waited on them.” 

You and I could see ourselves as hirelings and people who have no hope. But Jesus shows us in the gospel that he came to bring healing and opportunity for us to serve. When Jesus heals, he then wants us to go out and be his laborers in the vineyard. So this work that we do on earth is not necessarily a drudgery. This work is meant to build the kingdom of God and give glory and honor to Christ and his church. We just need to focus differently. We also can’t be people who indulge in pleasures all the time. That leads to addiction. Christians set themselves apart by showing the world that pleasures in this life are not the final goal. Now some of us may not cast out demons, but we can name the demons in our life and other people’s lives. By naming them, we start the process of healing. 

Our role as Christians is to build one another up and not tear each other down. This giving of oneself is what Jesus exemplified. A total emptying of oneself for Christ and others. Then we will have joy to the fullest.

We see that Peter had a mother-in-law. Peter was married. We do not know if Peter and his wife had children. But married life is a total emptying of oneself. The two sacraments of service in the church are married life and priesthood. We enter the sacraments by putting on an apron, knowing that our joy lies in our service to one another. Maybe that’s why Peter became the head of the apostles. He knew what it was like to give up oneself for his wife, and maybe his children. As a married man, he may have understood what it meant to die to oneself. 

Let us give ourselves away and not count the cost. We will be rewarded in the next life. We will not experience all the good and the bad this world has to offer. 

Thank you very much,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

The Importance of God's Word

January 28, 2024

How important is it to listen to God‘s word? It must be very important. In today’s first reading from Deuteronomy, we see that those who do not listen to God‘s messenger, will be put in a very dire situation. Those who listen to the voice of God‘s messenger will experience life to the fullest. God‘s word can sometimes be a set of rules of what we should do and what we can’t do. But those rules are meant to keep us in a good place. You and I cannot experience the fullness of joy outside of God’s words. We may think we know what makes us more happy and joyful but nothing on this earth will bring fulfillment, only God’s words, and then putting those words into action.

Christ Has Authority

Living in this world means that evil surrounds us. There is a lot of beauty and goodness in this world but you would be deceiving yourself to think that evil does not exist. In today’s gospel, Jesus casts out demons. Where do the demons come from? Who do the demons work for? We all know that hell and Satan are the two driving forces behind demons. Jesus has power over the demons. There are demons of slothfulness, pride, envy, lustfulness, gluttony, anger, and coveting. You and I are easy prey to evil if we operate outside of Jesus. The way that we let evil come into our lives is by sinning or by participating in Ouija boards, palm reading, tarot cards, horoscopes, and by saying evil spells. When we participate in these events, we are acting like we do not need Christ. We are looking for another power to guide us and tell us what to do. In today’s gospel, Jesus teaches with authority. Many people are amazed at this. You and I should not be amazed at this. We know that Christ has authority and power. We do not have to listen to Christ, but that ends in our own detriment.

Beacons of Light and the Catholic Leadership Institute

This week we will have a Catholic Leadership Institute employee visiting our parishes. This person will be speaking to staff and parishioners about vibrant parish life. This person will be getting an idea of what we are doing right in our parishes and what challenges we are experiencing in our parishes at this time. The Catholic Leadership Institute will be walking with us for four years. This Catholic Leadership person will be my liaison whom I will be meeting with each month. This liaison will be helping us meet the requirements for Beacons of Light. More information will be forthcoming. God bless you all.

Thank you very much,

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.





Our Hearts are Idol Making Factories

January 14, 2024

In today’s first reading, we see that the spirit of the Lord was upon Samuel. That God was with him. It is very important that God is with us in our life. God is always with us but He particularly works with us when we work with Him.

In the second reading, we see that the body is not for immorality. When we live according to God’s laws and morals, we are with and working with God. But if we choose not to live within God’s laws, then we are working against Him. Then we may be setting ourselves at odds against Him.

The fullness of peace is following Christ in his commands. We see that John the Baptist is willing to give his disciples to Jesus. John the Baptist knows that Jesus is the Lamb of God. The one who will be sacrificed so that others can live.
Jesus needs to be sacrificed because our sins are heavy and have a heavy price.

John the Baptist was humble. He was not prideful. He knew who he was. He knew that he was not the Christ. He knew that he was only a voice that would last a small time. He knew that Jesus was the eternal word, that word that would never end. So are you going to let go of your pride so that others may live? John was looking after the betterment of others. He was looking after the betterment of his disciples. John knew that he did not have what it took to bring true happiness to his disciples. Jesus can bring fulfillment and joy. So the readings tell us today that we are to allow the spirit of God to be with us as Samuel did. That we are to live in accordance with God’s dictates. The fullness of life is in Jesus Christ. 

Our hearts are idol making factories. If we do not worship God, we will worship other things or people in this world. That will not go well for us. Let us put all our eggs in the basket of Jesus and follow Him. 

Thank you very much,

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

The Epiphany of the Lord

January 7, 2024

Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. We see the three Wisemen approaching King Herod. King Herod was greatly troubled on hearing that there was going to be a King of the Jews. Herod was the King of the Jews. He did not want another person to be the King of the Jews.

What troubles you? We know that pride, envy, lust, slothfulness, gluttony, anger, and coveting are the seven deadly sins. We know that these sins can destroy a person from within. King Herod was envious of Jesus, the Messiah. If he could not be king, he would destroy all of the two year old male children and younger in Bethlehem.

Jesus is not only the King of the Jews but He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus‘ Kingdom is far greater than Israel. There is no end to His reign. As we begin this new year, let us take stock of what we hold dear in our hearts. Is what we hold onto eternal or just a perishable object? Do we reverence our King Jesus?

Notice what the three Wiseman bring Jesus in today’s gospel. “Then they opened their treasures and offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” They bring Jesus gold, because he is a King. They bring Him frankincense, because He is a priest. They bring Him myrrh because He will die for humanity. Myrrh was used in preparing the body for burial. The three Wisemen knew they encountered the Lord Jesus, the Messiah. The three Wisemen were wise because they did not reveal the whereabouts of the baby Jesus. “And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their country by another way.”

Sometimes we know that people will not accept Jesus as the Lord and Savior. We are not to throw our pearls to the swine. Some people will not accept the precious gift of Christ and His kingdom. As followers of Christ, sometimes we have to move on to others and follow a different route in evangelization.

Thank you very much, Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

The Feast of the Holy Family

December 31, 2023

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. The family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This family was destined to be the model for all of us Christians. Family life is very necessary in today’s society. Family life is the security that we need to grow and to know who Christ is. The family enables us to use our talents and test those talents before we bring them to the world. In family, we learn to be merciful and forgiving of one another. The family is the domestic church. The little church where we pray together and know Christ. 

Yes, Jesus had a family. Jesus was a child and had friends to play with. Jesus had many meals with Joseph and Mary. The family table is the place where we can share our stories. The state of Ohio exists to protect the family. That is the sole role of the state of Ohio. The state of Ohio is not to take the place of the family. Even the state of Ohio knows how precious the family is.

Mary and Joseph are two great intercessors. I often call on them throughout the day. They are my family also. You cannot always be physically present to your family, but you can call on the name of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and they will be there in a second.

You have a family in heaven. Maybe your parents have died and they are at this time interceding for you. Maybe they need your prayers also.  All of us have a family. We are the St. Gaspar Family of Parishes. We belong to each other. We support one another and build each other up. That’s what families do they stick together.

Have a great New Year,

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

A Thank You from Fr. Tony:

 Dear parishioners of Saint Gaspar family of Parishes, thank you very very much for your cards and gifts these past two weeks. You all have been a blessing to me. God bless you all. Saint Gaspar and Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us. 
Father Tony Fortman, CPPS

A Heartfelt Wish for a Very Merry Christmas

December 24, 2024

I extend to each and every one of you a heartfelt wish for a very, very merry Christmas! As we reflect upon the passing year, it is abundantly clear that the hand of God has been ever-present in our midst. In moments of both difficulty and joy, we have witnessed His blessings and grace unfolding in our lives. Even in our trials, God remains steadfast, showering His love upon us.

In the tapestry of our shared journey, I am particularly grateful for the blessings of our new Family of Parishes. Our collective faith has forged strong bonds, and together, we have embraced the spirit of unity and fellowship. Just as Jesus, the Messiah, never forgets His people, let us also cherish the ties that bind us as a community of believers.
In this season of celebration, may our awareness of God’s presence deepen, recognizing that He knows our needs even before we bring them to Him. As we navigate the challenges of life, Jesus, the perfect gentleman, beckons us to be conscious of Him, not imposing His will but offering His unwavering support.

Let us remember that, in the words of Isaiah, the Messiah was foretold centuries before His birth, and today, Jesus continues to be alive and present among us, especially in the Eucharist. Let our adoration be sincere and our hearts be filled with gratitude for the gift of His enduring presence.

As we join together in worship and celebration, let the echoes of the Christmas song resound in our hearts:

“Oh come, let us adore him. Oh, come, let us adore him. Oh come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.”

May the blessings of Christmas be upon you and your loved ones.

God bless you all,

Father Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

Pray Without Ceasing

December 17, 2023

Paul says, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.
In all circumstances give thanks,
for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.
Do not quench the Spirit.
Do not despise prophetic utterances.
Test everything; retain what is good.
Refrain from every kind of evil.”

It is hard to rejoice always. There are many things to be concerned about. There are many disappointments in this life. Paul says rejoice anyways. Then he tells us to pray without ceasing. Rejoicing all the time is not easy, now I have to pray all the time? But with God all things are possible. We are to refrain from every kind of evil. This is another difficulty. Because this may mean that we have to change our actions and speech.

Maybe that is why God calls us to pray always because prayer keeps us very aware of evil. Prayer enables us to rejoice when we are sad. Prayer changes our environment. Without prayer, we can’t continue to act like Christians. Yes, it does take work to be a Christian but we can do it with God’s grace.

Thank you and may God bless you,

Fr. Anthony Forman C.PP.S.


John the Baptist

December 10, 2023

In Mark’s gospel today, we see John the Baptist preparing the Way of the Lord. John was the voice and the voice only lasted so long. Jesus is the eternal word and the eternal word is for eternity. God‘s word never ends. The world may come to an end, but God‘s word will never end. John the Baptist was willing to do the will of Christ. The Blessed Virgin Mary was willing to do the will of Christ. You and I are called to do the will of Christ. 

John was an odd character. He dressed in camel skin and ate locusts and honey. He belonged to the tribe of the Essenes. You could say that they were a contemplative group of people. John was a contemplative, but then he went out into the world.

Prayer always leads us out into the world. As we see, the world can be a dangerous place. The world belongs to Satan. Jesus even says that. 

A fish gets caught by opening its mouth. John got caught by King Herrod because John opened up his mouth. Jesus calls us to open our mouths and proclaim His gospel even in a difficult world. 

John the Baptist would often say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” John was the forerunner. John was the bulldozer, making every mountain low. He was a bulldozer in his speech. He just spoke the truth and it was like a mountain coming down. 

Jesus, give us the courage to speak your word to the whole world.

God bless you all,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.


Fr. Tony is pictured commissioning Eucharistic Ministers at the Eucharistic Minister training that took place on Saturday, December 2, 2023. Our goal is to train more Eucharistic Ministers so that we may return to using both species (the Body and Blood) at all of our Masses. More sessions will be planned in the very near future. Look for updates in the bulletin. Thank you to all who attended.

Healing Souls in Advent

December 3, 2023

Today, we celebrate the beginning of Advent. It is a time to draw closer to the Lord and also to reflect on our own mortality and the anticipated second coming of Jesus. Let us dedicate extra time during Advent to prayer, focusing on our Lord Jesus and His mother.

December 3rd is also the feast day of Saint Francis Xavier, the patron saint of the Precious Blood Community. He was a Catholic Spanish missionary and co-founder of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits. Born in Xavier, Spain, he was a companion of Ignatius of Loyola. As one of the first Jesuits, he took vows of poverty and chastity, leading extensive missionary efforts in Asia and early modern India. Francis Xavier was born in the year 1506 and lived to be about 46 years old.

Saint Gaspar del Buffalo aspired to be a Jesuit and a missionary worldwide. It appears that Gaspar admired and greatly respected Francis Xavier. Though Gaspar did not travel as extensively as Francis, he spent most of his life as a missionary within Rome.

We are called to extend the kingdom of God into the world. I believe that accomplishing Jesus’ mission does not require us to go very far. People worldwide hunger for the gospel message and sacraments. Both those in small rural communities and those in the city need the Missionaries of the Precious Blood.

There are various types of hunger, including the hunger for food, attention, and Jesus Christ and His Church. Gaspar shows us that we have to flourish wherever we are planted.

At Saint Joseph’s Church in downtown Dayton, we witness long lines of people seeking the sacrament of reconciliation. This is a gift our community provides. While not everyone desires reconciliation with Christ and His Church, our community, in communion with Christ, has the opportunity to heal souls—a mission given to us by Jesus.

With many tongues of the Precious Blood of Jesus, let us proclaim the message of reconciliation and healing.

God bless you all,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

A Farewell from Deacon Andy

November 26, 2023

This week’s Pastor’s Desk features a reflection from Deacon Andy.

Farewell Reflection, Praise and Thanksgiving

At the close of each Sunday Mass, the Deacon gives the dismissal with these or similar words; “Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord”. These words are very appropriate for this is my final reflection in our Family of Parishes. For those who have not heard, I am retiring from the City of Huber Heights Fire Division and will be relocating to Vero Beach Florida. For those in the northern part of our Family of Parishes, I have been around for twenty plus years. You have watched my family grow from infants into adulthood and have seen me participate in various ministries leading up to my Ordination as a Deacon in 2010. For those downtown, I am a relatively new face, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the time I have spent with you.

First, I want to offer my most gracious praise to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the benefits bestowed upon me and my entire family. For the health and safety throughout my career and finally for my ministry in serving the people of God. I have been beyond blessed and “Thank You” seems so minimal, yet it is what God requested. Praising God for all he has provided for us to me is a must.

Secondly, I want to offer my thanks to all those who have assisted me in my faith journey. The Precious Blood Sisters and Priest have had a huge influence on my life and the Precious Blood Spirituality is in my heart and in my blood. The most Precious Body and Blood of Christ is the source and summit of who we are as members of the Body of Christ. Precious Blood Spirituality is who we are as the people of God and what each of us is called to be.

Next, I offer my heartfelt “Thanks” to all of you, our Parish of Families members. Your prayers, support and words of encouragement have helped me immensely. We are in a time of unprecedented changes and praying and talking with God is essential. I will continue to pray for you and ask you to continue to pray for all Religious and our Family of Parishes in this time of great change. Finally, I ask you to continue to live by the Dismissal at the end of Mass; “Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord.” Deacon Andy Rammel Formal Farewell @Precious Blood, Sunday, December 3 at the 8:30 am Mass Help us give Deacon Andy a fond farewell at the 8:30 am Mass at Precious Blood, Sunday, December 3. Thank you Deacon Andy!

Beyond Surface Beauty

November 19, 2023

In the first reading from Proverbs, we hear,

“When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls. Her husband, entrusting his heart to her, as an unfailing prize. She brings him good, and not evil,
all the days of her life.”

This is what we look for in a spouse. Beauty on the outside is not the main attractive attribute in a spouse. When looking for a spouse, it is important that the spouse loves Jesus. Does this prospective spouse want to have children? Does the person believe that celibacy is important until one has made a commitment in marriage? These questions have to be asked when dating a person.

Pray Together
The outside attractiveness of a person does not say everything about that person. One may be appealing to the eye, but where is their heart? If we read further in Proverbs, we hear, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but the woman that loves the Lord is to be praised at the city gates”.
Often times when I meet with couples for marriage prep, I talk about praying together as a couple. I know that some couples do not pray together. But the old saying is true, “A family that prays together stays together”. Does your family pray together? If not, why? Do they feel that prayer is a sign of weakness? Do you not have enough time to pray? Maybe look through the Gospel of Luke as we are closing in on Christmas. Luke’s Gospel is very descriptive. Maybe read a paragraph as a family each night. Maybe pray a decade of the rosary together. Just giving a little bit to God can matter.
Some people say my work is my prayer. So I do not have to take time to pray. I don’t believe that’s a good idea or a good way of thinking. You do have time to pray today. You can’t tell me that you don’t have three minutes a day to spend in quiet prayer. If you can’t spend time in prayer, then you’re too important or you think you’re too important. You can do nothing without God.

Thank you very much,
Fr. Anthony Fortman C.PP.S.

Wisdom is a Gift

November 12, 2023

In the first reading, we hear from wisdom. Often wisdom is referred to as a she. It is believed that King Solomon wrote that book in the Old Testament. Wisdom is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. We receive this gift at confirmation. We hear that a person cannot be held in esteem, unless they have wisdom. Wisdom is a gift from God and those who possess her are at peace. We hear that fear of the Lord is the first step to possessing wisdom. When I say fear of the Lord, I do not mean being afraid of God, but I mean listening to God and trying to follow his instruction.

In the gospel, we see the parable of the 10 virgins. Five are wise and five foolish. The foolish virgins did not bring enough oil for the evening, oil to keep their lamps lit. The wise virgins had enough oil for themselves only. The parable talks about being prepared for the bridegroom’s second coming or Jesus’ second coming into the world. The wisdom of God instructs us to be prepared.

I can remember when I was in Cub Scouts, it was drilled into us that we had to be prepared, prepared for camping trips by packing enough clothes and food and flashlights and matches; to be prepared for adverse situations.

We are told that Jesus will come again and that He will gather the wheat into His barn and that he will burn the weeds. The wheat are the followers of Christ. The barn is heaven. The weeds are the people who choose not to follow Christ and ignore His instruction. We can’t claim that we are naïve about this. So how do we prepare ourselves? We prepare ourselves first, by spending time in prayer with our God. Spending time in Scripture will allow us to know the game plan that God has for us. It will allow us to know what God expects of us. Jesus gives us His marching orders in the Scriptures. 

The gospel talks about Jesus judging us at the end of our life. We do not want Jesus to say, “I do not know you. You did not spend time with Me on earth. You had too many agendas that you had to carry out.” Let us make the most of our opportunities and spend time with our Lord in prayer and service to others. 

Thank you very much,

Fr. Anthony Fortman C.PP.S.



Representing Jesus

November 5, 2023

In the first reading today, we see that the priests are being warned by God. The priests are making distinctions among the people. They are not following the commandments. In the gospel, we see that Jesus is singling out the Pharisees. 
“They tie up heavy burdens hard to carry and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move them.  All their works are performed to be seen. 
They widen their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels. 
They love places of honor at banquets, seats of honor in synagogues, greetings in marketplaces, and the salutation ‘Rabbi.”
We Represent Jesus
I know being a priest means that I am held to a higher standard. That I must teach the gospel, even if people do not want to hear it. I know that I am not called to be everybody’s buddy. But that I have a mission to proclaim the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To also announce Jesus’s second coming. You all are called to be Jesus‘s disciples in the world. 
We will all be judged by Jesus at the end of this life. We are to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of others. But we cannot be too narcissistic and to self comforting. We represent Jesus, we speak of Jesus in the world, and we are busy about the work of Jesus until his second coming or our own death. That is our role if you have been baptized. That is how we will be judged. At the end, there are three things, heaven, hell, and purgatory. Let us always keep our death in mind. 

To Our Departed
Let us also pray for those who have died. The dead rely upon our prayers, especially those in purgatory. They are begging for just one drop of your prayers. Do not deny them your intercession. Jesus, have mercy on all the dead. Jesus, please let us be with you in heaven for eternity. Our Lady of Fatima pray for us. Saint Joseph patron of the dying pray for us all you. Holy angels and saints of God pray for us.

Thank you,

Fr. Anthony Fortman C.PP.S.

We Take Care of Those in Need

October 29, 2023

In today’s first reading and the gospel, we see how important it is to take care of those in need. We are not to take advantage of outsiders. Being a Christian means that we take care of the hungry and those who are naked. We keep giving people chances. Being a Christian means that we forgive a lot. In the gospel, Jesus is being tested by the Pharisees.

A Pharisee asked Jesus,

“Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”

He said to him, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”

Are You Willing to Love Him?

Jesus is telling us to love Him. But how do we love Him?
We love Him by sacrificing our time and spending time with Him in prayer and reading scripture and praying the rosary and going to Mass. We also love Him by loving others. Our prayer time and serving others is all a sacrifice. Are we willing to do that?

  • Does your daily agenda involve charity towards God?
  • Does your daily agenda involve charity towards others?
  • Does your daily agenda involve just you?

The Blessed Virgin Mary tells us to pray the rosary if we want peace. She told that to the three shepherd children at Fatima. Peace is obtained by loving God and others.

Thank you very much,

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

King of Kings

October 22, 2023

In today’s first reading, we see that God anoints King Cyrus and puts His power in King Cyrus. King Cyrus is a Persian and a pagan believer. But God will use King Cyrus to release the Jews from Babylon. King Cyrus will take over Babylon and allow the Jews to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple.

God can use anyone He wants to do His will. God can even use unbelievers to accomplish tasks that need to be done.
In the gospel, Jesus tells His fellow Jews, to give to God what belongs to God and to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. There is a certain respect that we all must have for our government officials, King Cyrus, Caesar, and the President of the United States. God can use these leaders to bring peace to our lives and the world.

We must always remember though that Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We obey God‘s laws first. There’s a way we can do that and still live at peace with our current state of affairs in the world. There is a way to practice our Christian faith and still respect and be obedient citizens of the United States of America. 

We are told to pray for our leaders no matter who they are. The only thing that can keep us from praying for our leaders is our own pride. Even pagan kings can march in step with the Lord.

Beacons of Light Update
In the next couple weeks, we will be visited by the Catholic Leadership Institute. This institute was responsible for putting together the Disciple Makers Index. The questionnaire we filled out last year at this time. The questionnaire about Parish life. This institute will help our parish family keep in step with Beacons of Light. As you know, the Beacons of Light was promulgated by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Beacons of Light is meant to gather parish families and create unity between them. We are the St. Gaspar Family of Parishes. The Beacons of Light is a process where we will slowly come together creating one parish council and one finance council among the six parishes in our family. Please pray for the continued success of Beacons of Light.

Thank you very much,

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

Many Are Called

October 15, 2023

In today’s gospel reading from Matthew, we see that Jesus tells us that many are invited, but few are chosen. Jesus uses the parable of a big wedding banquet. Many people are invited, but they choose to ignore the invitation. So, God goes out into the street and invites the poor and the good and the bad alike into the wedding banquet hall. The hall is full.

Jesus never shows any partiality when it comes to being his followers. If you are willing to follow Jesus in his commands, then you can be his disciple. He expects much from his disciples, and he expects very little from those who do not want to follow him.

This reading from Matthew points to the wedding feast in heaven. Many are called to be a part of Jesus’ ministry here on earth, then experience the joy of eternal life. It is easy to say, “Jesus, I will accept your invitation and follow you my whole life,” until the difficulties come, until being associated with Jesus and his teachings brings punishment from the world. We have to understand that the world is not in agreement with Jesus’ kingdom. Jesus’ ways are not our ways, and Jesus’ thoughts are not our thoughts.

So, what will it be? Will we be committed to the Messiah and His mission, or will we make excuses for why we can’t follow Him?

Let us pray for each other as the St. Gaspar family of Parishes. It’s very important that our souls are united with each other, that we sacrifice time in prayer for one another. God will see our sacrifices and help us grow together. Thanks for your support.

Thank you very much,

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.


Don't Forget to Ask for Help

October 8, 2023

Padre Pio tells us to pray, hope, and don’t worry, to make our requests known to the Lord. Sometimes people think, “I have to figure my way out of this situation.” It is true that God gives you knowledge, right judgment, and wisdom in your decision making. But don’t forget to ask for God’s help. Take one minute and say, “God, please give me the insight to do what is right. God, lead me, guide me, and let your will be known to me through other people.” God speaks to us through other people, our own thoughts, and our dreams when we sleep.

By Prayer and Petition
We hear in today’s second reading from Philippians:
“Brothers and sisters: Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Give Thanks to God
After you have prayed, give thanks to the Lord. Thank Him for listening to your prayer. Thank Him for answering your prayer. Sometimes unanswered prayers are an answer to prayer. We have to give God time to move people’s hearts, to test people, and to reveal His will to people and ourselves. This does not always happen overnight. God hears you. Never doubt whether God is listening to you or not. Your speaking to God is not in vain. Be patient with the Lord as He is patient with you. Also, we remember the Blessed Virgin Mary. This past week, we celebrated the rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Don’t be afraid to use that rosary. It is an oldie but a goodie. It is just like the old antibiotic, amoxicillin. It still works.

Thank you very much,

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

Speak the Truth

October 1, 2023

In Matthew’s Gospel, we see an example of how important it is to keep your word. We see two sons. One son says that he will go into his father’s vineyard and work but doesn’t. The other son says he won’t go into the vineyard but then does go into the vineyard and works.

The Pharisees promised to do God’s will but do not do it. Tax collectors and prostitutes forsake the Lord for their own pleasure but then choose to follow the Lord. Which, in your opinion, did God’s will?

God wants our heart. He wants all of us. He does not want a half-hearted servant. I know it’s hard to follow Jesus. He demands much from His disciples, but His way is the way of peace. A peace in which the world cannot give. Pharisees time and again saw Jesus perform miracles but were not moved to repentance. Tax collectors and prostitutes saw Jesus’ miracles and were moved to repentance. Which, in your opinion, will receive God’s peace?

In today’s first reading, Ezekiel is called to speak to the lost house of Israel. He has a difficult job and will be met with much resistance. At the beginning of the book of Ezekiel, God promises to protect Ezekiel. Ezekiel will point out the sins of Israel and move some to repentance.

Ezekiel and Jesus say many difficult things to people in the world. They need to speak the truth. You and I need to follow their example. We need to say hard things. We need to spread the Gospel. We need to spread our Catholic faith and not apologize for it. Ezekiel was told not to worry about people’s reactions. Just speak to the people.

You and I are called to just speak to the people in the world. Whether they accept us or not doesn’t matter. Just speak the truth of your Catholic faith and the Gospel. If not now, when? When will it be the right time to speak the truth of the Gospel or your Catholic faith? Sometimes we hold back too much. When the iron is hot, we need to strike.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S.

Be Open to God's Ways

September 24, 2023

“Seek the LORD while He may be found; call him while He is near. Let the scoundrel forsake His way, and the wicked His thoughts; let him turn to the LORD for mercy; to our God, who is generous in forgiving. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are My ways above your ways, and My thoughts above your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:6-9, NIV)

Let Go of Pride
Isaiah is telling us that we are dependent on the Lord. We need His mercy. We need to be in the right relationship with Him. If we are not, we are lost. The Lord is generous and forgiving. That gives us great consolation. First, we must acknowledge that we need the Lord and His mercy. Then, we also need to realize that His thoughts can give us direction. His thoughts are above our thoughts. Does that make you upset when I say that? We have to be willing to let go of our pride and realize that God has great plans. Do we want to be a part of those plans, or do we just want to do our own thing?

Be Open to God’s Ways
At times, I think others get tired of our thoughts. People want to be enlightened by the Lord, and that means that we have to let go of our pride and be willing to be open to God’s ways and thoughts. This is a dying to self that I am suggesting. Are you up for that, or do you want to keep living in the world that you make? The world that you imagine?

God bless you all,

Fr. Anthony Fortman

Fr. Tony Returns to the Pastor's Desk

September 17, 2023

Thank You from Fr. Tony

I want to thank all of you for your prayers and cards over the past month. You all have been such a blessing. I know that my healing is dependent on your prayers. I have about two more weeks of healing to go. But even after that, I have to be careful about what I do. I am slowly making my way back into Parish life. God has truly spoken to me over this past month. He’s told me that I need to have a consistent prayer life and I need to exercise a little bit each day. Just like Fr. Seraphine. So the surgery was a blessing. I needed to slow down in order to listen to God. God bless you all. Our Lady of Good counsel, St. Joseph, and the angels and saints of God, pray for us. 

“Wrath and anger are hateful things,
yet the sinner hugs them tight.
The vengeful will suffer the LORD’s vengeance,
for He remembers their sins in detail.
Forgive your neighbor’s injustice; then, when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven.”

One of the seven deadly sins is anger. We see Jesus getting angry when He overturns the moneychangers’ tables in the temple. You can say that was a righteous anger. But there is anger provoked by jealousy, envy, and selfishness. At the end of each day, we have to examine our behavior and conscience. You can do this during evening prayer. Many times, others will not tell us that our behavior is misled. So we have to be accountable for ourselves.

I have found the rosary as a means of peace and setting my behavior in the right direction. Just contemplating on the mysteries of the rosary can help you reflect on your own life. The Blessed Virgin Mary knew what she was doing when she gave the rosary to Saint Dominic.

There are times when we are not treated fairly by others. We can then either take vengeance on the other or forgive them. I do not believe in the old adage, “forgive and forget.” You cannot forget. You are not to let other people run over you. You can forgive another, but be very careful around them. They may want to hurt you again, so be cautious but be merciful. You will be able to tell when someone is sorry for their sins or actions against you.

Fr. Anthony Fortman C.PP.S.

Speaking Up

September 10, 2023

While Fr. Tony continues to recover, we express our gratitude for the presence of our Parochial Vicar, Fr. Jim Gaynor, who will be sharing a reflection with us today:

“Speak up! Ezekiel, in the first reading, was told by God, ‘You shall warn them for me.”The Apostles are told by Jesus, in today’s Gospel reading, ‘If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault.’ Some of us are more naturally gifted with the ability to speak up. Persons with a booming voice, a pleasant tone, a winning smile, and an attractive personality are naturally more inclined to speak up and also to be heard. Examples of these gifted people include Pope Francis, Bishop Barron, a religious woman like Dorothy Stang, or a lay Catholic like Clay Mathile.

They were anointed with the Sacred Chrism in their baptism as prophets and exercise their prophetic responsibility by speaking up and being heard. But those of us with a less booming voice, a less pleasant tone, or a less winning personality were also anointed with the same Chrism and are called to be prophetic in our lives. Our way of speaking up may consist of supporting those with more gifted voices and personalities. Our way of speaking up may be less vocal and more through the written word or through our good example of a way of life. However, all Christians are called to speak up in favor of the truth and what is morally correct, both in words and deeds.

Where Two Or Three Are Gathered

This brings us to the words of Jesus: ‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.’ Some are criticizing Pope Francis for the Synod of Synodality. The secret to synodality working correctly is being gathered in the name of Jesus. He is the criterion. We are not gathered to make more money or to demonstrate power. We are gathered to make the kingdom of the love of God present. We are the products of His love. We are to be instruments through which His love is experienced.

Fr. Jim Gaynor, C.PP.S.


Being True to Our Faith

September 3, 2023

How dedicated are we to our faith and to living in a Christ like way?  

We find in Mathhew´s Gospel indications that Jesus knew God the Father´s plan for the humanity he had created.  It was to be:

A brotherly humanity, but Jesus found people going to worship in the temple angry and vengeful and he teaches: if you bring your gift to the altar and there recall that your brother has something against you, go first to be reconciled to your brother and then offer your gift. (Mt. 5,21)

It was to be a humanity faithful to it´s word, but Jesus found men dismissing a wife and taking another and he says clearly that is adultery and wrong.    When you mean yes, say yes and when no you say no.    (Mt. 5,31-37). 

It was to be a humanity created in the image and likeness of God the Father, but he found people seeking to return injury for injury, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and he says: your heavenly Father caused the sun to rise on the bad and the good, he rains on the just and unjust. My commandment is love your enemies (Mt. 5, 43)

It was to be a humanity always thankful and attentive to their creator, dedicating space and time to him.  In contrast, Jesus found that space which was the temple of Jerusalem dedicated to money changing and selling and buying of animals.  He entered the temple and drove out all those engaged in buying and selling. (Mt. 21,12) 

To what extent would Jesus go to rectify humanity.  In today´s part of Matthew´s Gospel he began to show his disciples that: he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests and scribes and be killed and on the third day be raised.  (Mt.16,21).  

Where must we go today, being true to our faith and to Christian living?   We must respect life and promote respect for life, even though it might be going contrary to the political winds of our time. 

Fr. Jim Gaynor, C.PP.S.

Parochial Vicar

St.Gaspar Family of Parishes



Who is the Son of Man?

August 27, 2023

This Sunday our Pastor’s Desk is written by one of our Parochial Vicars, Fr. James “Santiago” Gaynor. Fr. Gaynor joined us in July of this year.

Who is the Son of Man?
Who is the Son of Man. Our fathers are men and we are their sons, so are we son of man? No. In using this term in his question in the Gospel of today, Jesus is not referring to our sonship, but to “One like a Son of Man, coming on the clouds of heaven”. We need to go back to the origin of this biblical term: “Son of Man”, in chapter 7 of the book of Daniel. In a nighttime vision, Daniel sees “One like a Son of Man, coming on the clouds of heaven; …He received dominion, glory and kingship; nations and peoples of every language serve him”. Jesus is referring to Himself who comes from heaven but through the virgin Mary has also the likeness of a son of man. His mission is to bring all nations and people together.
Peter in answering Jesus´ question, with “you are the Christ, the Son of the living God” is recognizing that Jesus is the person-Messiah, for whom people of faith have waited centuries.

Understanding the Ramifications
Peter did not understand all of the ramifications of his answer: that Jesus was going to offer Himself as a redemption for all of humanity. He did not understand that Jesus would pass through death and change death into new life. He did not grasp that until he saw Jesus, several days later, risen from the dead.

Receiving the Gift
When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion we are receiving that One like a Son of Man coming on the clouds. What a mystery. We receive in sacramental form God himself, made man. The minister of Holy Communion shows us the consecrated host and wine and says to us: the Body of Christ and the Blood of Christ. We say Amen, yes, this is the Body of Christ. Amen: yes, this is the Blood of Christ. We hear that 50% of those who pretend to be Catholic, don´t believe that Communion really is the Body and Blood of Christ. What a disappointment! What a loss! But for us who have received the gift of faith, what an honor. We are receiving this same one like a Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven.

Fr. Jim Gaynor, C.PP.S

Parochial Vicar

St. Gaspar Family  of Parishes

Unwavering Faith

August 18, 2023

In the gospel today, we see a Canaanite woman approaching Jesus. This woman has a daughter that was tormented by a demon. The apostles urge Jesus to send her away. Jesus tells the Canaanite woman that He was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He was not sent to her and her daughter. But the woman pleads with Jesus and asks for a little scrap of blessing from Him. Jesus is impressed with this Canaanite woman’s faith. Jesus expels the demon from her daughter.

During Jesus‘ time some people were not allowed to interact with each other. The Canaanite woman and the Samaritan woman are examples of Jewish people staying away from other tribes.

I believe Jesus is testing this Canaanite woman. She continually pleads with the Lord, asking for her daughter’s healing. You and I must continually ask God for healing and help. Even when we don’t get what we want, we still should continually ask. We can also ask ourselves, “Is our request good for us or bad for us?” Our request may be good for us but the vision has its time and God may be working behind the scenes to create a better situation for you and I. We just have to be still and be patient and know that God hears our request.

Patience and Belief

The Lord can move mountains and he can make the impossible possible. If we just believe Him. Jesus I trust in you. So be persistent in your prayers. Do not stop now, you’ve come too far. This waiting builds our faith. As we wait, let us see and appreciate all the miracles God has set before us.

Thank you very much,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

The Transfiguration

August 6, 2023
The Transfiguration

Today we celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord. Jesus brought Peter, James, and John up to Mount Tabor. As they were on the mountain, Jesus was lifted up in the air, and He was speaking to Moses and Elijah. Jesus is clothed in dazzling white. Peter, James, and John are witnessing this whole magnificent event. These apostles want to build three tents as a memorial. One for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

This transfiguration was meant to transfigure the hearts of Peter, James, and John. To give them a lasting memory of the beauty and glory of the next life. Although we are unable to see what is happening in the next life, there is a whole spiritual realm that is happening around us. There are angels all around us. You have a guardian angel. There is also evil around us. We can see the good and the evil in people’s reactions and words.

Take Time for Prayer

Today’s transfiguration is meant for us also. We are to be aware of the next life waiting for us. A life of peace, a life of beauty, and a life of joy. We can enter that world each day by taking time for prayer. These are respites for you and me to take advantage of.

Jesus took time to pray. He would often go off by Himself to enter into communion with His heavenly Father. Even Jesus needed to escape the world at times. Please take the time to enjoy your summer and time of prayer.

Thank you very much,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

A Treasure Buried in a Field

July 30, 2023
Solomon’s Wisdom

In the first reading from first kings, we see that Solomon asked for wisdom. He could’ve asked for many things, such as a long life, the life of his enemies, and the life of riches. This shows a dependence on God and the willingness to be led by God’s understanding. This pleased God. Even up to today, no one has ever had the wisdom of Solomon.

But as Solomon’s life unfolded, he gave into pagan worship, and he married many wives. He gives into the world. He starts out great, but he ends up in a bad place at the end of his life. He does not repent.

In the gospel, Jesus tells us that the kingdom of God is like a treasure buried in the field or a fine pearl. God’s word and our faith are very valuable and to be protected. Our faith is to be shared with others. It is not to be hidden because we may worry about what other people think. Many Christian Martyrs gave their life by sharing their faith.


You and I have not finished our lives. We may be doing pretty good now in our faith life, but that is not the end of our story. Repentance is so important for the Christian life. We see Judas Iscariot not repenting. We see King Saul not repenting. We see Solomon not repenting. Their lives end terribly because of their pride and a lack of willingness to repent. You and I are humans; we are weak, vulnerable, and sinners. This means that we need God’s mercy. We can’t earn it. Our pride can keep us from God‘s mercy. Our pride could keep us from going to confession. We may say, “ I have too many things to do today, so I can’t go to confession. I can’t make time for God, or I will get behind.” Please take the opportunity to go to confession at our different parishes. This sacrament allows us to draw closer to Christ and his merciful heart. As long as we keep our eyes on Christ, we will not sink in the water. Keep your eyes on the prize and hold on.

Thank you very much,

Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S.

Pastoral Priority Plan

St. Gaspar Family -Pastoral Priority Plan

In February of this year, our St. Gaspar Family of Parishes took a significant step forward in the Beacons of Light process by engaging in a transformative journey known as the “Next Generation Parish” initiative. Under the leadership of Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S., this marked a significant step forward in our journey toward enhancing and revitalizing our parish community.

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the expertise of the Catholic Leadership Institute, an Envisioning Team was formed including the Pastor, staff and parishioners. The members include Fr. Tony Fortman, Deacon Mike Prier, Joe Hurr (Business Mgr. for Precious Blood, St. Paul and St. Rita), parishioners:  Mike Stoner (Emmanuel), Leslie Iannarino (Holy Trinity), Becky Chestnut (Precious Blood), Pete and Brenda Kosir, Ralph McEldowney (St. Joseph), Julie Borger (St. Paul), Joyce Bachmann (St. Rita).

Over the past 6-7 months, our team met to create a Pastoral Priority Plan to enhance what we do and reimagine the life of our family of parishes to grow together and thrive in the future.  This process is now complete, and the next phase of this initiative will include a selected Implementation Team to move forward with the parish plan.  We would like to present to you, the Pastoral Priority Plan.  As an “envisioning” team our first task was to develop our own team values and ground rules before attempting the purpose, vision and values for our St. Gaspar Family.  Our team values are Respect, Guidance, and Accountability.

The parish plan begins with our St. Gaspar Parish Family purpose, vision, and values.

Our Purpose

As a diverse, welcoming Catholic family rooted in the Precious Blood of Jesus, with the guidance of the         Holy Spirit, we provide spiritual direction through God’s Word and His Sacraments to guide our community to live as disciples of Jesus, who share His love and Good News.

Our Vision

We will be a vibrant, worshipping, sacrificial Catholic family who loves God and sees dignity in all humanity. As we are fed by the Eucharist and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, we will grow in our relationship with Jesus and serve those in our community.

Our Values

We are a people of faith responding to God’s gift by growing spiritually and living according to His Word.


We are a people of action who teach and share our faith, assist those in need, and are present within our community.


We realize our Catholic faith is to be lived in every aspect of our lives; therefore, we will always strive to act in concert with the principles of our faith.

Our Priorities and Goals

During the process of transition from the Envisioning to the Implementation Team, a few members of the Envisioning Team will also be included in the implementation process. The Pastoral Priority Plan developed by the Envisioning Team has four priorities, each with two goals, to be implemented over the next three years. 


Develop a plan for members of our St. Gaspar Family of Parishes to discover and embrace a lifelong, loving relationship with Jesus.

Goal:  By encouraging our parishioners to make habits of daily prayer, scripture study, and Eucharistic adoration, Mass attendance will increase by 10% by Advent of 2027.

Goal: By Lent of 2026, we will introduce a plan that will empower our parishioners to be Christ-like with all whom they encounter.


Foster a cohesive St. Gaspar Family of Parishes that welcomes all ages and stages of faith by extending grace and acceptance to all.

Goal: By July 2026, create a sense of belonging for all ages in a supportive, encouraging, and welcoming atmosphere by scheduling six faith and fellowship events, rotating locations throughout the year, utilizing all our family facilities.

Goal: By the end of November 2025, define and unify appropriate ministries to strengthen our Christian service and outreach to our St. Gaspar family and the community.


Provide pathways for all ages, youth to adult, to inform and educate about the Catholic faith to live our lives as disciples of Jesus.

 Goal: By Advent of 2025, the St. Gaspar Family of Parishes will have a set of opportunities to facilitate lifelong faith formation and education that can be accessed by individuals, by small faith sharing groups, and by larger gatherings.

Goal: During Advent 2026, 50% of parishioners will participate in a challenge to contemplate their current level of engagement in personal faith practices and their relationship with God, leading to the setting of resolutions to deepen their faith lives.


Goal:  Have a communication loop, inclusive of information sharing with parishioners, and parishioners being able to give input to the St. Gaspar’s Leadership Team by July 1, 2025.

Goal: Formalize a person-to-person process for consoling the broken-hearted, and to welcome the estranged and the newcomer, by Advent 2026.

Pastoral Priority Plan Feedback

In February of this year, our St. Gaspar Family of Parishes took a significant step forward in the Beacons of Light process by engaging in a transformative journey known as “Next Generation Parish.” Under the leadership of Fr. Tony and with the invaluable support of the Catholic Leadership Institute, we formed an Envisioning Team with a representative from each of our six parishes. The team has worked diligently over the past several months to create a comprehensive Pastoral Priority Plan to guide our parish community into a vibrant and sustainable future. The Pastoral Priority Plan includes our family purpose, vision, and values, which we hope will inspire and unite us all as we move forward. The details of this plan were shared on September 14/15, 2024. This form has been created to allow parishioners to provide feedback about the Pastoral Priority Plan. The team and our Pastor, Fr. Tony Fortman C.PP.S, will receive the input.

Why are you completing this form today?

Sacred Pilgrimage

On Friday, April 19 join us as we embark on a spiritual journey with Deacon Brian Seibert to two majestic basilicas,  where we will immerse ourselves in our faith’s rich history and profound beauty. Explore the historic Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, known for its exquisite architecture and sacred relics, followed by Mass and lunch at the Basilica. After lunch, we will cross the bridge to Covington, Kentucky, and enjoy a guided tour of the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, marveling at its stunning beauty and significance in our faith. We will return to St. Paul around 5:30 pm. We will be chartering a comfortable bus for the pilgrimage, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey for all participants.

The itinerary is as follows: 
7:30 am: Departure from St. Paul’s parking lot
9:30 am: Tour of Basilica of St. Peter in Chains
11:30 am: Mass at Basilica
12:30 pm: Lunch and Fellowship
1:30 pm: Board Charter bus to Covington, KY
2:30 pm: Tour of Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary
4:00 pm: Return trip to St. Paul’s
5:30 pm: Arrival

For more information and reservations, call 937-836-7535. Make checks payable to Precious Blood Church, memo line: Sacred. The cost is $40.00 (includes lunch).

God’s Garden at St. Paul

God’s Garden is a volunteer-run garden that provides food insecure families with fresh locally-grown produce that they otherwise may not be able to obtain. The garden is a product of the efforts of parishioners from the St. Gaspar Family of Parishes and is located on the St. Paul Parish grounds.

Volunteers are always needed on Monday and Thursday evenings beginning at 7:00 pm throughout the summer. 

Contact Sue Sack for more information at

St. Gaspar Family of Parishes

In collaboration with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the St. Gaspar Family of Parishes wholeheartedly embraces the Beacons of Light initiative. Our goal is to ignite Christ’s love and cultivate resilient fellowship among members from the Emmanuel, Holy Trinity, Precious Blood, St. Joseph, St. Paul, and St. Rita communities. Strengthened by this partnership, we are committed to serving God and neighbors with boundless love. Join us in celebrating Sunday Eucharist as we welcome you to our Christmas Masses. 

St. Paul Holiday Bazaar

November 2, 2024, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Tis’ the season to be jolly, and there’s no better way to kick off the holiday festivities than by joining us at the St. Paul Holiday Bazaar! 🎉

📅 Date: November 2
🕒 Time: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
📍 Location: St. Paul Campus, Englewood

40+ Incredible Vendors: Explore a winter wonderland of handcrafted treasures and unique gifts! From exquisite woodcarving to cozy handmade knits, and a wide array of Christmas goodies, you’ll find something for everyone on your holiday shopping list.

The Famous Cookie Walk: Treat yourself to the sweetest part of the holidays! Our parishioners have prepared homemade cookies using their cherished family recipes. Fill up a bag with your favorites and enjoy the taste of the season.

🍽️ Delicious Breakfast and Lunch: Fuel your shopping spree with scrumptious breakfast and lunch options. We’ve got you covered whether you’re craving a hearty meal or a quick snack.

Granda’s Attic Treasures: Discover hidden gems in Granda’s Attic, where gently used Christmas items and pre-decorated Christmas trees will add extra sparkle to your holiday decor.

Family-Friendly Fun: Bring the whole family along for a day filled with holiday cheer. Santa might even make a special appearance, so have your wish list ready for him!

Give Back This Season: Your participation in the St. Paul Holiday Bazaar supports our community and the important work we do. By shopping with us, you’re contributing to the spirit of giving that defines the holiday season.

Mark your calendar, invite your friends and family, and prepare for a joyful day of shopping, eating, and spreading holiday warmth. Don’t miss out on this festive event!

CFF 2023/24 Online Registration Form

Children's Faith Formation

Use this online form to register for our fall Children’s Faith Formation Classes. Geared toward public school children in Pre-K through 12th grade, this program (including some sacramental preparation) is offered on Sunday mornings (9:00am – 10:15am) from September through April. If you belong to a parish outside of our tri-parish region, you must provide a written letter from your pastor giving your family permission to attend our program. High School classes are offered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.

Please complete this form to enroll your children in our 2023/24 Children’s Faith Formation Program. For Parent/Guardian information, please provide the primary contact person who will is going to be responsible.