Week of Events
Catholics Come Home
Catholics Come Home
If you have been away from the Catholic Church for awhile, for whatever reason, we invite you to come back and see how much you have been missed. Why did you leave the Church? Was it because. . . You felt misunderstood? You felt unwelcome? You felt disconnected? You just got into a bad habit […]
Miraculous Medal Novena
Miraculous Medal Novena
The Miraculous Medal Novena returns to St. Rita on Monday, September 9, 2024, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. The Novena will not be held on any Monday when there is a civic holiday.
Our Lady of the Precious Blood Group
Our Lady of the Precious Blood Group
Formerly The Glories of Mary @Precious Blood, Monday evenings This weekly book study is part of our Secret of Mary Program that meets on Monday nights. The Glories of Mary, widely regarded as Saint Alphonsus Liguori's finest masterpiece, has for two and a half centuries stood as one of the Catholic Church's greatest expressions of […]
PRAYER MATES GROUP PRAYER Songs | Meditation | Accompaniment Tuesday nights, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Precious Blood Seek to hear God’s voice through prayer and friendship. We meet Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m. at Precious Blood. The evening consists of: communal prayer, presentation, and discussion. Topics include: types of prayer, intercession, the spiritual […]
Senior Program and Lunch-Bingo
Senior Program and Lunch-Bingo
Senior Program and Lunch, Bingo with Melissa and Patrick @ St. Paul, Wednesday, January 10 from Noon to 2:00 pm Presented by Dayton Metro Library, Northmont Branch. Mark your calendars for our upcoming Wednesday sessions. Whether it's a themed event, a special guest speaker, or a celebration of milestones, there's always something exciting happening at […]
St. Vincent De Paul Meeting
St. Vincent De Paul Meeting
Our St. Vincent DePaul group meets on the second Wednesday of every Month, except for July, our annual social. We meet at St. Paul’s Church in Rosary Hall at 6:30 pm We welcome new members or just those interested in learning more about our ministry. I would be the contact person, Bonnie Vitangeli, at 937-219-0271
Catholic Life
Catholic Life
Catholic Life is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. We meet year-round on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 pm. The meetings are structured with prayer, catechetical presentation, scripture reading, and discussion. The meetings prepare someone to receive the sacraments and enter the Catholic Church. Any adults interested in the Catholic Church are welcome, including seasoned […]
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus
For more information on the Knights of Columbus, contact Mike Nieport: 937-305-6886.
Book Read, Introduction to Devout Life
Book Read, Introduction to Devout Life
The Complete Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis De Sales Written over 400 years ago, this book remains one of the most popular for laity responding to the Second Vatican Council's universal call to holiness. Written as letters of spiritual direction to Philothea (i.e. lover of God), they are remarkably timeless in their […]
Notre Dame Folk Choir
Notre Dame Folk Choir
Come see the University of Notre Dame Folk Choir perform at Emmanuel Catholic Church on Thursday, January 11, at 7:00 p.m. The choir serves the University of Notre Dame as one of its principal liturgical choirs. The sixty-plus student singers are brought together by a desire to practice, explore, and share their faith through music. […]