Week of Events
Dayton Church Supply Sale
Annual Advent & Christmas Sale St Rita Church, November 19 & 20 We will have our Annual Advent & Christmas Church Supply Sale after the Saturday, 4:30 pm, and the Sunday, 9:30 am Masses the weekend of November 19 and 20. For special orders or questions, email Jane Leach at leach_jane@yahoo.com (All profits go to […]
High School Youth Program
High School Youth Program
@St. Paul, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month Beginning at 9:00 am Discover a unique high school program led by a mom of high schoolers to deepen your child's faith and connect them with a vibrant community of like-minded peers. Rooted in engaging activities and interactive learning rather than traditional lectures, this program fosters […]
Baptism Prep
Baptism Prep
Baptism Prep discusses the effect of the Sacrament of Baptism on the child, the role and obligations of the parents and the Godparents, the baptismal ritual, and the significance of the symbols, gestures, and words used in administering the sacrament. You must attend class to have your child Baptized. If you would like to register […]
Monday Night Book Read
Monday Night Book Read
Book Read: St. Gaspar and the Blessed Virgin Mary This group meets every Monday for reading and discussion. You can join at any time. Contact Curtis Kneblik for more information Curtis Kneblik : 937-276-5954 ext. 2111 ckneblik@preciousbloodchurch.org
PrayerMates Group Prayer
PrayerMates Group Prayer
PRAYER MATES GROUP PRAYER Songs | Meditation | Accompaniment Tuesday nights, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Precious Blood Seek to hear God’s voice through prayer and friendship. We meet Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m. at Precious Blood. The evening consists of: communal prayer, presentation, and discussion. Topics include: types of prayer, intercession, the spiritual […]
Catholic Life
Catholic Life
Catholic Life is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. We meet year-round on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 pm. The meetings are structured with prayer, catechetical presentation, scripture reading, and discussion. The meetings prepare someone to receive the sacraments and enter the Catholic Church. Any adults interested in the Catholic Church are welcome, including seasoned […]