St. Vincent De Paul Meeting
St. Paul Church with Map 1000 W. Wenger Road, Dayton, OH, United StatesOur St. Vincent DePaul group meets on the second Wednesday of every Month, except for July, our annual social. We meet at St. Paul’s Church in Rosary Hall at 6:30 pm We welcome new members or just those interested in learning more about our ministry. I would be the contact person, Bonnie Vitangeli, at 937-219-0271
Catholic Life
Precious Blood Church with Map 4961 Salem Avenue, Dayton, OH, United StatesCatholic Life is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. We meet year-round on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 pm. The meetings are structured with prayer, catechetical presentation, scripture reading, and discussion. The meetings prepare someone to receive the sacraments and enter the Catholic Church. Any adults interested in the Catholic Church are welcome, including seasoned […]
Knights of Columbus
St. Paul Church with Map 1000 W. Wenger Road, Dayton, OH, United StatesFor more information on the Knights of Columbus, contact Mike Nieport: 937-305-6886.
Friday Hour
Meets every Friday to discuss the gospel, books, and videos.
Children’s Faith Formation
St. Paul Church with Map 1000 W. Wenger Road, Dayton, OH, United StatesMiraculous Medal Novena
Precious Blood Church with Map 4961 Salem Avenue, Dayton, OH, United StatesThe Miraculous Medal Novena returns to St. Rita on Monday, September 9, 2024, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. The Novena will not be held on any Monday when there is a civic holiday.
Our Lady of the Precious Blood Group
Precious Blood Church with Map 4961 Salem Avenue, Dayton, OH, United StatesFormerly The Glories of Mary @Precious Blood, Monday evenings This weekly book study is part of our Secret of Mary Program that meets on Monday nights. The Glories of Mary, widely regarded as Saint Alphonsus Liguori's finest masterpiece, has for two and a half centuries stood as one of the Catholic Church's greatest expressions of […]
Stephen Ministry Meeting
St. Paul Church with Map 1000 W. Wenger Road, Dayton, OH, United StatesStephen Ministry is a program that trains laypeople to provide one-on-one care to people in their congregations and communities who are experiencing life difficulties. The program is based on the idea that people should love one another as Christ loves them, as stated in John 13:34. Ministers meet on the third Wednesday of the month […]
Precious Blood Church with Map 4961 Salem Avenue, Dayton, OH, United StatesPRAYER MATES GROUP PRAYER Songs | Meditation | Accompaniment Tuesday nights, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Precious Blood Seek to hear God’s voice through prayer and friendship. We meet Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m. at Precious Blood. The evening consists of: communal prayer, presentation, and discussion. Topics include: types of prayer, intercession, the spiritual […]
Catholic Life
Precious Blood Church with Map 4961 Salem Avenue, Dayton, OH, United StatesCatholic Life is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. We meet year-round on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 pm. The meetings are structured with prayer, catechetical presentation, scripture reading, and discussion. The meetings prepare someone to receive the sacraments and enter the Catholic Church. Any adults interested in the Catholic Church are welcome, including seasoned […]
Friday Hour
Meets every Friday to discuss the gospel, books, and videos.