We offer a variety of components to help adults in the formation of their Catholic Faith.


Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save it. It is never too late to receive God’s forgiveness, hope, and love. If you have been waiting for a sign, this is your chance to renew your relationship with God. Contact Curtis Kneblik to begin your journey home.


Are you interested in the Catholic Church? Catholic Life is a year – round process designed to foster faith formation of adults that they might participate fully into the life of the Catholic family. Whether you have been baptized in another Christian church, or have not had any religious formation, Catholic Life is a great place to discern where God is calling you. For more information about the process, contact Curtis Kneblik.


The Catholic Communities of Northwest Dayton offer programs throughout the year designed to bring EVERYONE together for fellowship and sharing of our Catholic Faith. Watch the bulletin or the website for details regarding our next event!


Our prominent women’s event is the monthly Women’s Night Out. These events are a combination of educational and inspirational wrapped up with a wonderful measure of fellowship. All are welcome, and bring a friend!


Among the three parishes are various prayer groups: PrayerMates meet every Tuesday at Precious Blood beginning at 7:00 pm. On Monday and Thursday evenings we offer book reads that combine the elements of a book study and include praying the rosary and other devotionals.


Periodically we offer scripture study classes. Watch the bulletin or the events page for the announcement of those classes. Join in scripture discussion at Precious Blood Church on Friday mornings at 9:30am. We meet in the Gaspar Room off of the Gathering Space.


Each parish has an active library for parishioners to visit and use as a way to deepen and understand their faith. There are thousands of titles in each library, just for the borrowing. At Precious Blood, the library is just off to the right of the main entrance of church. At St Rita, the library is found in the Emmaus room, located in the Cascia center. At St. Paul, the library is located at the end of the hall to the left of the front entrance to church , across from the parish offices. Stop by and check out the resources available to you.


On the last Saturday of every month, Catholic men of the 6 parishes gather for prayer, breakfast, faith presentation, and discussion. These meetings help men discover their own particular identity as disciples of Jesus Christ and their particular mission for the church and world.