Bulletin Guidelines: St. Gaspar Family of Parishes
All bulletin submissions are due by 12:00 pm on Thursday, ten days prior to the intended Sunday publication. Ministry leaders should send their submissions directly to the Communications Manager Joan Macpherson via email: jmacpherson@preciousbloodchurch.org. If assistance is needed for electronic submissions please contact the Communications Manager to make special arrangements.
Complete Information Required:
Submissions must include all necessary details in a complete and ready to publish format. Ministries should avoid sending informal or vague requests like, “Please announce our meeting.” Instead, they should provide a fully written post that requires no further revision.
Submissions must be sent electronically in a ready to publish format. Text should be included in the body of the email or attached as a Word document. If any additional design elements (images, logos) are needed, these must be included in the email and labeled appropriately.
Revisions and Edits:
The bulletin editor will only make minor edits for clarity, style, or space. Submissions requiring significant revision will be returned to the sender for resubmission. The deadline will still apply.
Recurring Events:
Monthly Submissions Required: Even if an event occurs every month, ministry leaders must submit a new bulletin request by the deadline for each month they want the event included. Yearly Recurring Submissions: Ministry leaders can submit a yearly schedule for recurring events at the start of the year or as soon as their schedule is confirmed.
General Bulletin Guidelines:
Faith Based Focus: We do not share events that are not related to our Catholic faith. All announcements must align with the mission and values of the St. Gaspar Family of Parishes.
Word Count: Announcements should not exceed 100 words unless otherwise approved.
Repetitions: Announcements may be repeated for up to 3 consecutive weeks when space allows.
The primary purpose of the bulletin is to evangelize and promote parish life. Every ministry and event needs to have a point person who will submit content for the bulletin. The following items receive priority in this order:
Liturgical Services:
- Mass times
- Major feast days and celebrations
Sacramental Preparation:
- First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage preparation, and RCIA schedules
- Registration deadlines for sacramental preparation
Spiritual Growth Opportunities:
- Retreats, days of reflection, Bible study groups, faith formation classes
Key Parish Events:
- Parish wide events
- Events tied to parish initiatives, such as Beacons of Light or the Next Generation Parish
Parish Ministries & Volunteer Opportunities:
- Announcements for ministry meetings
- Calls for volunteers for parish programs or events and community outreach
- Youth & Family Events:
- Youth ministry events, including retreats
- Family friendly events, such as parish picnics, outings, and school related events
- Community Outreach & Social Services:
- Announcements related to parish supported charities, food drives, and social justice initiatives
External & Non-Parish Related Events will be included under Area News on page 12 when space allows.
If you have suggestions, want to express a concern or make a correction, contact Joan Macpherson: 937-276-5954.